Chapter 46

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Our big day had arrived and I was on cloud nine. Taylor had been back for about a week and a half and I had everything ready to go! My wedding planner in Laguna, Bren, had been the perfect woman for the job. She truly went above and beyond the call of duty and I did my best to let her know how wonderful a job she did.

"Abby... You shouldn't have!" Bren squealed and hugged me. I had bought her a Tiffany bracelet with the diamond infinity. It was the least I could do. She did everything. "OK, now you need to get changed soon, sweetie! Oh, but by the way, I already spotted the groom looking veeery handsome with his groomsmen..." She said playfully. I grinned from ear to ear.

"I know he is..." I sighed. "I hope he's comfortable in those clothes... I'd hate it if he wasn't. He fought me on not wearing shorts. I just wanted him to be comfy." I pouted.

"He seems perfectly fine. Looks very laid back just the way you'd hoped." She said squeezing my hand.

"Good... Alright! Showtime ladies!" I exclaimed and toasted with my girls and moms. "I have a gift for you all! Hold on..." I scrambled to my suitcase and pulled out wrapped boxes, handing one to each of them, including Gisele because we had become fast friends after we met. "You all are the dearest people in my life outside of Taylor and Ollie and I wouldn't be the woman I am today without any of you. I love you all." They let out a collective "Awww!" and opened their gifts. Tiffany Diamond key necklaces. They all cried and hugged me. They helped each other put them on which was difficult with all the crying. Finally, we started to get dressed. Gisele helped me zip my skirt because I couldn't stop shaking. It wasn't nerves, no no. Pure excitement... I had been apart from Taylor for over 24 hours so I was ready to get this show on the road. Our moms and the girls gasped when they saw me. My mother started to cry, of course, so everyone decided to join in. "We have to stop crying so Renee and Amy can do our makeup, OK? Suck it up, ladies!" I croaked, wiping at my face. We had already had spa treatments and facials that morning and looked glowing and amazing. Renee and Amy started right away and did a fabulous job though, as was typical of Renee, my old tour stylist, she talked my ear off. I didn't mind today because it was the perfect day and I was getting married to man I'd been waiting for my entire life...


Taylor's POV

"OK, bud. Show me watcha' got!" Dave said excitedly to Shane making him smile. I was feeding Oliver praying that he wouldn't puke, pee or poop on me. "Looks pretty good, buddy. Did you want to say something nice about Abby, like, what she means to you maybe?" Dave said and Shane nodded clearly not knowing how to express himself. Dave took over... "Abby, you make us and my Daddy so happy and have given me the brother I have always wanted... to beat up!" Dave wrote driving Shane into hysterics. I laughed too and Ollie laughed hard as well making me laugh even harder. He was his parents' child.

"Ollie has his mother's hysterical laugh and for that I am truly thankful!" Taylor cackled. I knew he would puke soon so I held him away... Suddenly, Bren's assistant, Zach, came in like a tornado. He was a well groomed queen. He was hysterical. Always on edge. He kinda' looked like Freddie Mercury...

"Taylor! Give me that child before he vomits all over you!" He exclaimed in a panic, taking Ollie from my arms. "I will deliver him to your sister-in-law but you all need to get in position because the ceremony  is about to start!" He walked away with Ollie and I heard him cry out. Yep, Ollie puked on him. Nice.

"You ready, T?" Dave asked grabbing my shoulder. I nodded.

"So ready." I said and patted him on the back. Dave put his arm around Shane and they walked off to join the bridesmaids. I discarded my shoes as did everyone else because the sand was so powdery and immediately got in our shoes. I took my position at the archway. Everyone was seated and the music started. My brother walked my mom down the aisle first bringing tears to my eyes. I missed my dad... I wish he could've known Abby and Oliver. He would've loved them so much... Next came Shane and Brittany hand in hand. Shane looked like he was scared to death. Brittany kissed his hand trying to calm him down. I was so happy Dave had her in his life. They were perfectly suited for one another. Next came Dave and Abby's friend Karen, then Nate and Lee then lastly Shifty and Gia. They all looked beautiful. Abby knows how to pick 'em... Next came Annie with Alex both showering the aisle (and some people) with rose petals. They were so cute and looked so pretty, my heart swelled with pride... The music changed and everyone stood then I saw her... The picture of perfection... She looked like a Bohemian goddess... My knees were weak.

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