Chapter 6

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The day was very successful, having given birth to two new demos. I was in awe of the aggressiveness of the band. They were hungry to move forward. The memory of my and Taylor's exchange hadn't left me. I knew I would have to answer to it. I didn't know what would happen. I was nervous. Did he really want this in his life? I was scared. Scared is the right word. We were leaving the studio and Taylor's eyes were trained on me.
"That was good!" Dave exclaimed as we climbed inside his van.
"Yep." I said mildly in return. Dave contorted himself looking to the backseat.
"Yep? That's all you've got? Yep?" He said indignantly. I paused.
"I meant, "yeah! I mean it was amazing! I can't wait to hear the real thing!" I tried to be upbeat but my mind was on Taylor the whole time. Taylor stared at me from the passenger seat. He wasn't smiling; he was plotting. That was clear. How to get me alone... We pulled up to Dave's home and all got out.
"I'm fucking beat..." Dave said dragging himself up the steps. "T, are you heading home?" He asked.
"I'm not really tired. Are you, boo?" He asks me. His intentions are clear...
"No, not really... Want to have a drink?" I ask directing him outside. Dave's eyes narrow.
"Okaaay... You two have fun..." He says suspiciously and walks upstairs. The moment his feet hit the second floor Taylor lunges at me; kissing me deeply. I almost collapse in his arms. I'm alive. I'm scared. He feels too good.
"Taylor..." I gasp looking for air. "Taylor think about this..." His tongue is tangled with mine. I can feel him growing against me.
"I don't want to think..." He whispers and we both collapse onto a chaise lounge  on the pool deck.
"Out here!?" I exclaim. He looks at me. I suck in a breath.
"Yes." He says seriously and continues to kiss me now pulling my leggings off leaving me in nothing but very small, black panties and a t-shirt. Taylor being only in swim trunks was very clearly aroused. I was panting and frantic. He pulled my shirt over my head leaving nothing else between us. He kissed me deeply and spread my legs. I was helpless to his touch. He pushed my panties aside and touched me. He smiled and closed his eyes.
"Oh my are so wet..." He wavered like he was drunk. I moaned at his touch. He removed his fingers and took off his shorts. I was more than ready for him. It felt like time stopped when he entered me. We both moaned. My eyes rolled and I gasped. "This is actually happening..." I thought. Taylor's thrusts were slow. He was taking his time. I would meet him every time. We were in synch. After what felt like an eternity of he and I like this only stopping to switch positions, his face began to change and I knew he was about to cum. I felt it too. I started to feel light headed and was panting quicker.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Taylor squeaked. It felt so quiet outside. I swore the whole world could here us. I moaned loudly then slapped my hand over my mouth. His pace was fast and the I felt it...the warmth. Taylor collapsed onto my chest and I wrapped my arms around his head and kissed it gently. His heavy breathing began to slow. I rolled to my side making room for him. We both lay on our sides staring at each other. Taylor's eyes seemed so sad.
"Do you already regret it, T?" I whisper.
"No." He whispered back. This is the least I've ever heard him speak. He is clearly deep in thought.
"Penny for your thoughts then?" I whisper and run my fingers through his hair then tracing is beautiful face.
"I don't want to leave." He says and I notice his eyes turn glassy. I cup his face with both hands.
"You don't have to, sweetheart. Not tonight." I move in and kiss him sweetly on the mouth.
"Let's go to bed." I stand and reach my hand out for his and he takes it. "I want to see you when I wake up." I say and smile. He smiles back and we disappear into the darkness.

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