Chapter 54

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Abby's POV

Two weeks had passed quickly and Britt and Dave's big day was finally here. I had tried my best to be helpful but sometimes it would get to be a bit to stressful and I would have to step aside and just let Bren or Gigi handle things. I was feeling much better nowadays...less scared, less dependent on Taylor, more alert for Ollie but I wasn't completely out of the woods... I suppose I never really will be but medication, therapy and the love of Taylor had already gotten me further than I ever imagined I would get. I thanked God everyday that he sent him to me. His existence made me believe in a higher power. He and I were getting packed and ready to leave for the Wilshire the morning of the wedding. I stopped and watched as Taylor methodically packed his case. I couldn't help but smile. He was so cute... I wrapped myself around him from behind and he stopped and hugged my arms, leaning his head back to touch mine.

"So do you think they'll call the cops if they find out we're there? I mean, wouldn't that be overkill?" I asked making him laugh.

"I dunno! Can't wait to find out..." He laughed. We both turned quiet and sat and swayed for a while.

"Well, I think if we have to go then we should go out with a bang..." I whispered. He smiled.

"I can hear those wheels turning in your brain..." He snickered.

"My hope is that, by the time we leave, we end up with our pictures in employee handbooks all over the city. "IF YOU SEE THIS COUPLE, CALL SECURITY IMMEDIATELY!" We both laughed.

"I don't think Dave or Britt would bail us out of jail, baby, I'm pretty sure they'd let us sit and rot in there..." He said unwrapping my arms and turning to kiss my lips.

"Imagine YOU in jail... You would be soooo populaaaar..." I joked. He let out a huge belly laugh.

"Oh my GOD! You're meeeean!" He shouted, laughing. I threw my head back.

"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor... You're prettier than me! You don't think some big, biker dude wouldn't take one look at you and call you his WIFE?!" We were both rolling now. Taylor suddenly stopped and stared at me.

"I've missed this..." He said, staring me deep in the eyes.

"Me too..."


Taylor and I got to the Beverly Hills Wilshire both wearing hats and sunglasses. We ran inside and made our way to Dave's suite. We both pounded on the door, laughing. Dave jerked it open and made a funny face, nodding at us.

"Well, look who it iiiis? It's the fucking deviant sex offenders!!!" He yelled back to everyone in the room making them all howl with laughter. "GET the fuck in here!" He said grabbing Taylor by the shirt and yanking him inside. He kissed my cheek as I stepped inside. I ran to Shifty and Nate and hugged them tightly, both of them kissing my cheeks and stroking my back. I felt a tap on my back and it was Pat smiling huge with his arms outstretched. I jumped into his arms and he laughed swinging me around.

"I've missed you all!" I exclaimed. Taylor smiled and walked over.

"You're going to see them everyday soon! Well, except for Pat..." Pat pouted his lip at me.

"I can't wait..." I said softly and winked at Chris and Nate. Shifty crossed his arms and gave me a suspicious look.

"Hmm... So... Does this mean you're baaaack???" He said tickling me gently. I giggled and shook my head.

"Not sure yet..." I said quietly. Taylor hugged me to his side and kissed my head.

"I'm still working on 'er..." Taylor said, winking at me.

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