Chapter 4

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The next day I arose slowly, clutching my head. I was still in my wet closes. Gross. I looked around slowly and saw Taylor sleeping on the sofa in the small living room space. I peel off my clothes and pull out of my case a pair of black leggings and my Motörhead t-shirt that I had cut up after I shrank it in my dryer by accident. I slip on some flip-flops and quietly creep out the door so as not to wake Taylor. As I slowly walked across the pool deck, I surveyed the aftermath. Beer cans floating in the pool and an almost empty bottle of Jaegermeister sitting on the patio table.
"Holy Moses...did Dave and I do this?!" I thought to myself surveying the bottle.
"Yup..." I startled "we're idiots." Dave groaned as he walked toward me with a cup of coffee in each hand.
"Oh my god, I love you..." I say desperately as I take the cup. "You wouldn't happen to have a few Advil stashed away in your beard there, would ya?" He laughed then groaned and clutched his head.
"You're not allowed to be funny until my head stops pounding." He smiled. "Come inside and we'll get some sweet, sweet relief together."
I walked inside the main house and sat at the kitchen counter while Dave disappeared to find the pill bottle. I looked around and spotted pictures of him with his daughters on the refrigerator doors. I walk over to take a better look. They were so adorable...I felt my eyes well up a little. "Lucky man" I thought.
"That's Violet. My best bud." He said behind me causing me to jump slightly. "Jumpy jumpy!" He said slowly with a smile and handing me the Advil bottle.
"Let's many can I take...hmmm...8! Perfect!" I jokingly say and begin to lift the bottle to my lips.
"Oh my god, give me that!" Dave laughed, smiling hard. "Here's 4!" I laughed and downed them quickly with my cooled coffee. Dave took his too and we sat back down at the kitchen counter both putting our heads directly down on the cold, quartz countertop.
"Ahhhh..." We both say in unison which makes us both chuckle.
"When Mr. T gets up, I can make us breakfast." I mumble into the countertop.
"And she cooks too, ladies and gentlemen." Dave mumbles back in his sing song voice. Next thing we know Taylor is coming through the door, a walking mop of disheveled blond hair and loud yawns. He stops and smiles, staring at us.
"Boy, oh boy, you two really hit it hard last night. My god... How are you two even up right now? It's only 8 in the morning?!" He says bewildered then leans down next to me and kisses my head. I groan. "Ouch." This sends Taylor into hysterics. "Nonononooo, no laughing, Taylor." I cry as he carries on laughing and serving himself some coffee.
"Well, you two are no fun. I thought we'd go for a ride this morning..." He says with a smile.
"Fuck youuuu!!!" Dave and I both yell sending Taylor back into hysterics.
"Ok, kids, get dressed. We're going to breakfast."

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