Chapter 36

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Our big day had finally arrived! Move in day. Taylor and I followed each other to the house where movers had been in all day and now we were coming to help direct. It was mostly me being paranoid about Taylor's things that made me pressure him into letting me come help. He really didn't want me there stressing out over the details but I was relentless and, like me with him, saying "no" to me wasn't his strong suit.

"Honey... No one's going to break my stuff..." Taylor said quietly trying to calm me down.

"How do you know, baby? I have had movers break my things! I mean, what's a Grammy to them when they've been lugging your shit around all day..." I exclaimed with a sigh. I eyed a mover toss down a box marked "Taylor-Photos" and shot up. Taylor grabbed my hand.

"It's O-K... I bubblewrapped the shit out of all that stuff. An elephant could sit on that box." He laughed trying to get me to sit back down.

"I don't care! It's the principle of the matter!" I whisper shouted at Taylor. He pulled me onto his lap and grabbed my face with both hands.

"I love you." He said with a smile then kissed me deeply. "Hey! Wanna' go find a quiet spot so I can ravage you..." He said burying his face in my breasts. I laughed.

"There is no such spot right now!" I giggled. He was sort of obsessed with my pregnancy boobs.

"Ah, come oooon... There has to be SOMEWHERE we can go so I can fondle you!" We both laughed.

"Only if you enjoy 300 pound men staring at us while we do it." I replied running my fingers through his soft hair then breathing him in. He always smelled like soap and cotton. He was literally a breath of fresh air. He smiled.

"As long as he doesn't touch us then whatever! I'm not ashamed! I'm proud, damn it!" He joked making us both laugh. Just then one of the movers approached us.

"Well, that's it. Everything is in." He said wiping his forehead on the back of his arm. He handed us a clipboard to sign. I decided we should take inventory before we signed anything and they both agreed. Once I did a scan of all the rooms, I signed the form and walked him out shutting the door behind me and pressing myself against it. I smiled at Taylor.

"Let's FUUUCK!" I joked, making him laugh hard. He ran toward me and we wrapped our arms around each other.

"Oh my GOD... We're home, sweetie." He whispered staring me deep in the eyes. I nodded and kissed him gently.

"We are..." I whispered, kissing him again a little harder. I took his hand and led him outside to the pool. I stared at him while I took off my clothes. He smiled and did the same. I took his hand, leading him down the steps then we wrapped our arms around each other. He kissed me so passionately I felt dizzy like he was sucking the air out of me. He slid his hands under my butt, wrapping my legs around him and pressed me against the side of the pool as he slid inside of me. I whimpered and closed my eyes. He felt so good... The sun was low and a breeze kicked in sending a chill up my spine. His pace quickened and we stared at each other. His mouth was parted and I licked his bottom lip and took it gently between my teeth making him moan...his pace quickened even more then, like a bolt from the blue, I felt my whole body light up. I cried his name and felt that enormous release sending Taylor over the edge. I rested my head against his, trying to steady my breathing then gazed into his eyes. "I have a feeling we're going to destroy this pool..." I said breathlessly making Taylor smile huge.

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