Chapter 56

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"Goddamn.. WHOOPS SORRY! NEVER say that word, boy!" Dave joked pointing at Shane and shooting him a jokingly mean face. Shane giggled uncontrollably. "As I was saying... Abby, that was absolutely amazing." Dave smiled, bobbing his head along to each syllable he spoke. Taylor squeezed my hand he was holding on the table and winked at me with a smile.

"Why, thank you, Mr. Grohl! How 'bout you, Mrs. Grohl? What did you think, Ms. Finicky?" I joked with her. She has simpler tastes in food but I'm a pushy cook... Her eyes lit up!

"It was amazing! It was like beef stew on crack." We all laughed.

"Told ya'! But we can all thank Julia Child for this. Rest in peace, my queen!" I said putting two fingers to my heart, kissing them and throwing the peace sign in the air. "Respect!" I barked in my best gangsta voice and banged my hands on the table, making the kids and adults cackle. We all helped clear the table and load the dishwashers, even the little ones.

"Oh boy! What did Mama Abby do to get so lucky tonight!" I lightly baby talked to the children. Annie and Alex wrapped their arms around my waist and hugged me tight. Taylor watched us intently holding Ollie in his arms and kissing his sweet head. He looked sad...

"Hey! Is it weird if I ask you two if you want to stay the night? It'll be like a slumber party! Just with more booze than, ya' know, when we were 8. Remember all the booze you drank when you were 8, Dave?" I deadpanned. He nodded.

"Best times of my life..." He said wistfully. Making Britt and Taylor laugh.

"Seriously though! You guys can stay in the pool house and we can stay up late or, for Brittany, 'til she passes out at 8:00 with a pint of Ben & Jerry's balanced on her baby..." I said, putting my arm around Britt and squeezing her to me.

"You are NOT allowed to make fun of the pregnant woman! You are a HORRIBLE best friend!" She cried, laughing. "Sure! Sounds fun! Dave?" Britt smiled big, nodding her head. He chuckled. "Sure... Why not! We're kinda' far anyway." He said gesturing with his hand.

"Awesome!" I said and gently took a sleeping Ollie from Taylor's arms and tiptoed upstairs. Taylor watched my every move.

Taylor's POV

"Are you going to talk to her about it tonight?" Dave asked, lightly hitting my stomach.

"No.." I grumbled.

"Talk about what?" Britt inquired, peering back in forth at us.

"DAVE thinks I should tell Abby that she can tour with Queens of the Stone Age and *I* want her with me. I WANT her to re-join the band and be with ME." Taylor huffed shaking his head and pacing. "We don't even FUCKIN' KNOW if Queens will tour, right? I mean, I dunno!" Dave rolled his eyes at Taylor and shook his head.

"They are..." We all jerked and she was standing there in her PJs and slippers. She handed Dave a pair of my sleep pants and a t-shirt and Britt one of her old maternity nightgowns. "I hope those fit, Davey. He's such a tiny thing but he likes to buy things like that a little bigger for comfort..." She said quietly. Dave nodded.

"How do you know their touring?" Dave asked her. She looked at me.

"Joshua emailed me after he left 606 morning. He asked if I wanted to go out..." She said flatly, pouring herself and Dave a glass of wine. She took a sip and looked at me.

"Did you respond?" I snapped. She pursed her lips at me.

"Of course not..." She mumbled. Dave shot me a look as to say "now's the time..." I shook my head.

"Good. Are you going to join us then?" Taylor asked. She rolled her eyes and looked away.

"I dunno..." She shrugged. Dave glared at me.

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