Chapter 55

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After Dave and Britt had returned from their honeymoon in Tahiti, the Foo Fighters got right back to it in the studio. As usual, I was there everyday and, if fact, began helping them record. They all begged me to and I was feeling stronger everyday so I gave in to their incessant pleading. I was a little rusty at first but I got back into it pretty quickly. It was a rush to work with my guys in this fashion having only been the observer during their last record. They were so fun to work with... We laughed everyday... Today we started early in the morning because Chris and Nate both had gigs with their other bands in the evening. Unfortunately, in the midst of all of this joy, came the flashbacks... Not so much about how it ended but the way it began. I remembered how flattered I had felt that Joshua would ever think to ask me to join Queens and how great it was to play with him all to be dashed away in a matter of minutes... I had heard through the grapevine (DAVE) that he got rid of all Nick's work and restarted the process continuing to use my drum tracks. I didn't mind though I think Taylor did. He wanted no reminder of that dark time. None. I didn't have that luxury. I lived with it everyday... We were between takes of doing some live tracking when I saw him come through the control room door and shake hands with Butch and James. He and I locked eyes... I hadn't seen him or spoke with him since that early morning in the hospital. I put my guitar down, took off my headphones and stood up, making everyone stop and notice. Taylor finally saw Josh was in the control room and tore off of his seat in a rush. He ran to get between me and the door and grabbed my shoulders.

"No! You will not go in there! I'm going to tell him to fucking leave!" He seethed. Everyone else put their guitars down and came over to us, watching us both intensely.

"I need to talk to him, Taylor... Please? Please just let me talk to him... Baby, he saved me..." I whispered as tears tumbled down my face. Taylor's face broke and his lips quivered. He nodded.

"I'm coming with you..." He cried and kissed my forehead then gently took my hand opening the door. Everyone else followed. Josh stood and stared at me for a moment then nodded his head.

"Hey Abby... How are you? You look great..." He said gently, sounding like he wanted to cry. He eventually acknowledged Taylor and everyone else. Everyone was very quiet and took seats in all parts of the room.

"Thank you... I've come a long way since you last saw me, thanks to him." I said squeezing and kissing Taylor's hand. Josh smiled a little and nodded.

"You're lucky to have him..." He said and I kissed Taylor's bare shoulder.

"No one ever has to tell me that... T, baby? Why don't you go talk to the boys. I'm fine." I said kissing his hand again. He nodded and put his hand out to Josh. He looked him deep in the eyes and shook his hand. No words needed... I pointed to one of the unoccupied couches and we both had a seat. "What's goin' on, Josh? Why are you here?" I asked him quietly. He was staring out into space and biting the inside of his lip. Lost... I put my hand on his chin and turned his head to face me. He blinked and shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"I just wanted to give you something..." He said and pulled out a CD from a pocket inside of his jacket. He took a deep breath and let it out, handing me the disc. "That's it. That's final cut." He said seriously and we both sat and stared at the disc in my hand. I nodded.

"Thank you for bringing this to me..." I said quietly. I noticed Taylor staring at me from across the room and smiled at him. He extended his hand in a little wave. I stood up suddenly and walked over to James. "Could we listen to this, please?" James nodded and I thanked him. I went over to Taylor and sat on his lap, my arms around his neck. I startled a little when the music began to blare through our speakers. It...was amazing... That sound of Josh's drop-tuned guitar gave me goosebumps every time...We all listened intently, Dave grabbed my ankle, swiveling Taylor and I in our chair, and made a "RAWWW!" face, air drumming along to the song. Taylor and I both smiled and laughed. I looked over at Josh and he smiled a little smile. We listened to the whole thing...

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