Chapter 26

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After Taylor left, I curled up on the bed in shock at what just happened. Dave curled himself around me.

"Are we really going to do this?" I whisper.

"Until there's a baby..." He whispers back. I tasted and could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"You may not feel this way tomorrow." I say.

"I will." He sighs. Dave paused "Did you like it?" He asks sadly. I undo myself and turn over to look at him. I place my hand on his cheek then stroke his hair.

"You're the most selfless person I know." I whisper then kiss him, unbuttoning his blue plaid shirt. "Taylor may give us a baby but you're the only man that I truly desire..." I say opening his shirt and kissing his chest then easing him out of his jeans and boxers. He's ready for me. Always is... I ease my self on to him and we both groan. "Did you like watching?" I ask breathlessly. A grin creeps across his face...

We were back on tour this time in England and to headline the Glastonbury Festival. It's been almost a month and a half since my first time with Taylor. Dave, Taylor and I were inseparable. We had this secret that only we knew and it bonded us even more than before. It wasn't like we were in a relationship with each other, we had boundaries. Our bond was sealed with trust and respect. We were all making huge sacrifices to bring a child into this world. This wasn't an affair; this was work. Important work. Dave was never a witness again... That first time was special but usually it would just be me and T with Dave out in the living room, typing emails with death metal blaring into his noise cancelling headphones. I won't lie, T and I enjoyed ourselves, we always did but it was never like that. This was about one thing and one thing only...We tried our best to be very cautious around the others, trying to appear as everything was business as usual. They seemed unaware...

Nate and Chris sat quietly in their common area sipping coffee and reading newspapers. Nate finally peered up over his London Times at Shifty. Nate lowers is paper. It was the morning of Glastonbury.

"Chris?" Nate starts. Chris looks up at him and Nate's face looks embarrassed.

"What's up, buddy?" Chris asks concerned setting his paper down on his lap. Nate let out a big breath.

"You can't say anything! This is between you and me, ok?" Nate said seriously and Chris nodded in reply. Nate leans in "I saw Taylor leaving Dave and Abby's room late last night. Like midnight, maybe? "He says with wide eyes. Chris's eyes grow wide.

"They all "went to bed" like at different times, remember? BUT I thought it was weird that Taylor went so shortly after they did because normally he's such a night owl!" Chris whispered back. "Dude! You don't think the three of them know..."

"That's what I was thinking... and, oh gee, no one ever gets jealous when someone else is banging their girlfriend!" He says sarcastically "No matter how cool you're acting about it, that is a recipe for disaster. Jesus, I mean what if Dave and Taylor get in a huge fight or something over her? This band would be over. I just know it." Nate said shaking his head in disgust.

"Should we say something? Maybe to Taylor or, better yet, Abby? She's the levelheaded one, usually. God, I have noticed how close the three of them have gotten recently..." Chris said staring into space.

"I think we have to... This can't just go on. I know those two. They will fight." Nate said with a sigh. Just then Taylor comes in, bike in tow, preparing himself for a beautiful, morning ride. He smiles at Nate and Chris.

"Mornin', boys!" Taylor says in a Texas accent and begins to guzzle a bottle of water then eat a banana, stealing a protein bar and shoving it into his backpack. Chris turns to Nate and nods. Nate stands up.

"Uh, dude? Can we talk?" He asks. Taylor looks at them both. Their faces seem serious.

"O-kaaaay..." He finally responds then has a seat. Nate looked like he wanted to throw up.

"So let me just s-" Nate started then was loudly interrupted by Dave screaming up the hall. His hair wild with a huge grin on his face.

"She's fucking throwin' up, DUDE!!!" He yells then runs back.  Taylor smiles and runs after him. They burst through the door then into our private bathroom. I'm sitting on the floor in Dave's Slayer t-shirt wiping my face with a cold washcloth. They both crouch down next to me. "Are you late?" Dave asks. I smile and nod. "How many days?" He smiles.

"A week." I smile with tears welling up in my eyes. "This could be it, couldn't it?" I cry. They both stroked either side of my hair. Dave leans in and kisses my forehead.

"This could be it, sweet girl." He says biting his lip fighting back tears. He looks at Taylor. Taylor smiles back sweetly. "Ready to stand?" Dave asks and helps me up. "I'm going to send a runner to the drugstore for a pregnancy test!" Dave says kissing my head then bolts out the door. Taylor and I laugh as I stand at the sink brushing my teeth. I look at Taylor in the reflection behind me and his face seemed sad. He pressed himself against me, sliding his hands around my waist then traveling down to my lower abdomen. He rested his hand there and rubbed it gently. He puts his head on my shoulder and I close my eyes and fall back into him.

"Thank you, Taylor." I whisper. Taylor took his head off my shoulder and stared back at my reflection, kissed my shoulder then walked out.  I took a deep breath then lifted my shirt and rubbed the same spot and smiled as a wave of nausea came over me.

"I got one! Actually I have two!" Dave yelled running into our bathroom. He handed them to me and stood there with a huge grin. "Yeah! Apparently they sell them in the lobby. Must get lots of pregnancy scares at this hotel!" I laugh then stare at him.

"Are you going to stand there and watch me pee on a stick?!" I laugh taking the test out of the box. Dave's face drops.

"Oh right! Sorry!" He says quickly then exits. I hear him slide down the other side of the door on to the floor. I laugh and read the directions. I took the test then let Dave back in to wait with me. He took a seat on the toilet and I straddled his lap having decided we would make out to pass the time. It was very helpful... My phone timer dinged and he and I pulled away from each other and grabbed at the test. Dave got there first, of course.

"HA HAAA!!! Mine!" He laughs then looks at the little digital screen. He squinted "Aw, shit! I can't fuckin' read that without my glasses. Here! You!" I take it in my hand and look at it. I immediately grin from ear to ear.

"Congratulations, Daddy..." I whisper then kiss him deeply. He squeezes me tight.

"You will be the most wonderful mother. You already are..." He whispers back and kisses her again.

So it begins...

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