Chapter 45

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Friday finally rolled around and it was time for Taylor and the Coattails to get back on the road. I was a mess and had been crying and having sad going away sex with Taylor all morning. It was pathetic to hear me beg him not to go... I wasn't being very nice. He had to go and I knew it yet I begged anyway. Finally, it was time for him to catch his plane so Britt and I dropped him off  at LAX on our way to go wedding dress shopping for me. It was quite the scene...

"Baby? I'll be back before you know it, OK? Please stop crying. I can't handle it..." Taylor said, clutching me to him as we sat in the back of Britt's car. I breathed him in one last time then pulled away.

"Go... Before I tie you up and make you stay." I laughed. He smiled.

"Ohhh, haven't you done enough of that?!" He laughed.

"Never!" I laughed then kissed him again. "Have a great tour and I'll try to get out to see you, OK?" I whispered. He nodded and ran his hands down my face.

"Please do." He whispered back and we both got out. I got into the front seat and immediately broke down. Britt put her arms around me, trying to console me.

"Shhhh... Come on, sweetie. He'll be back before you kno..."

"Lady?! Move your car!" The traffic cop yelled in our window.

"Fuck you, ASSHOLE!!!" We yelled back in unison and flipped him off. We cracked up laughing and sped off.

"We're going to have champagne and look at beautiful dresses... It's going to be so lovely." Britt sang at me squeezing my hand. I smiled at her.

"It will be. Are you sure Dave doesn't mind being alone with Ollie?" I asked. Britt shook her head.

"He was psyched! He's giving him drum lessons." She laughed.

"Oh boy..." I laughed. "So how've you been feeling, lil miss? How's you're morning sickness?" I asked worriedly. She smiled over.

"It's been very manageable. Don't worry, sweets." She said with a wink. We talked and laughed our whole way there but the moment the sign for Beverly Hills came in view both of our faces contorted in disgust.

"God, I fucking hate Beverly Hills..." Britt said making a "gag me" gesture. I nodded.

"Me. Too... Can't get around it though. Well, normally I can but not for shit like this." We laughed.

"Your SO ladylike!" Britt joked. I powered down my window.

"Shit! Fuck! Ass! Dick! Pussy!" I yelled at top of my lungs, sending Britt into crying laughter. She grabbed at me and powered up my window.

"Please STOP before I kill us both!" She cried. I cackled.

"Fiiiiine... It's so much fun though!" I yelled as we pulled up to the valet. We both got out and headed to Carolina Herrera. They instantly greeted us and started showing us dresses based on what I asked. I wasn't impressed. "This will LITERALLY be on the beach! I can't wear this shit on the beach?!" I cried out to Britt. "I mean, I expect Taylor to be wearing shorts for crying out loud! Try again!" Britt shook her head.

"You two were designed for each other, you know that?" She laughed.

"Yes, we were..." I trailed off. "Let's go somewhere else. I don't like it here." I groused and we left. Britt and I strolled around until I just gave up and Googled what I was looking for on my phone. I found this little independent designer based in Silverlake and squealed. "We're goin' to Hipsterlake, my queen!" We got back in Britt's car and sped off. We walked up to the small storefront and stared.

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