Chapter 53

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Taylor's POV

Life as we knew it would never be the same... Days...days which turned into weeks... My baby was a zombie. I had to dress her, feed her, bathe name it and none of it I minded. The trauma was so severe... She couldn't be alone ever. She was still very loving and caring toward Ollie but I couldn't leave them alone together. Sometimes she would just drift away in her thoughts and he would crawl off. I found him at the top of the stairs once... I had to be with her at all times which was fine by me, it's just the reason...God... Not that it mattered but we still made love, often even, it was just different... I could never be on top of her because she would feel trapped and get panicked but it was very, sweet and tender. She was so delicate... like a withering flower. I took her to the studio with me everyday where she would normally sleep on the sofa because nights were usually the worst. The nightmares... It was almost unbearable. Normally, I could calm her down by just holding her and rocking her but there were times where she just couldn't calm herself so I'd sit with her all night.  It was horrifying. All of it. In a matter of minutes he had done everything in his power to ruin her, I refused to let him succeed... She had been ripped apart and it was my job to rebuild her. Never have I had a more important job...

"How you feelin' today, sweetheart..." Dave said to Abby, stroking her hair as she took a seat in the control room. She smiled a dazed smile. "Okaaay..." She said quietly.

"Baby's just a little loopy today... I had to give you a little Valium this morning, didn't I?" I said smiling down at her and tracing her face as she nodded. Brittany came in and sat down next to Abby and hugged her gently. "Thanks for coming today, Britt. I think she could use a little company while we work." I said bending down to kiss the top of Britt's head. She smiled at Abby and rocked her gently.

"Absolutely my pleasure..." She whispered to Abby and kissed her cheek. I smiled at them then kissed Abby on the lips before walking out and into the drum room. We were in the midst of recording our album and, as much as I just wanted to quit, I had to try to piece together a normal life for us any way that I could. This is our normal. Nick was in prison having plead guilty from the start. 14 years... I made certain he'd go away for a long time. What can I say? There are perks to being famous... I prayed he would just die but, unfortunately, he didn't. I do have to hand it to Homme, he tried his best to put that fucker into the ground. He was in a coma for weeks and he broke his nose, fractured his skull and ocular bone, ribs, punctured lung, ruptured his spleen... I wished it had been me. God, did I wish it had been me... Josh broke his hand and his nose and got a slight concussion trying to kill that piece of shit. I eventually thanked him but that took time. I blamed him... I still do...

"Brittany? Are you excited for your big day?" Abby asked quietly. That was her voice now... Quiet. Beat down... Britt smiled.

"I can't wait... And it's so soon! Just two weeks away! Can you believe it, sweetie?" Britt said excitedly, running her hands down the back of Abby's hair. She then took her hair into her hands and started playing with it.

"I can't... It feels like just yesterday we were getting measured for our dresses by Gigi... How is she? I'm sorry I don't call you all more... Maybe you can both come over and we can catch up?" Abby asked, her face already looking anxious like even the idea of socializing with people other than me, Ollie or her mom was just too much. She spied me and Dave walk in and I smiled and winked at her.

"That sounds like the best idea I've heard in a long time... Let's do it. The three musketeers, some awesome wine and gossip!" Britt said squeezing Abby tight.

"No WAY?! Why can't I come? I like Three Musketeers and wine too!" Dave joked. We laughed and Abby smiled.

"No, WE'RE the three musketeers, dip shit!" Britt laughed sending Dave into hysterics. I watched Abby, she seemed to be genuinely happy and not just the Valium talkin'... I ran my hand down her face and held her chin as she smiled up at me.

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