Chapter 60

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Taylor smiled at me big as my realization became more and more clear... I was pregnant. I knew it. Thank God my depression had actually been severe enough being apart from Taylor that my drinking and occasional smoking had almost completely screeched to a halt...

"How many weeks, baby? Do you remember?" He asked sweetly, stroking my arm.

"8 weeks, I think... I don't remember... I don't remember having my period since before I last saw you... I just fuckin' forgot about it because I was so busy with touring and Ollie...Didn't even cross my mind..." I rambled in complete shock. He gave me the most beautiful smile and kissed my lips.

"I'm so happy, baby... Are you worried?" He whispered to me. I smiled and shook my head.

"No... When I was so sick, I read all about it and everyone pretty much said that severe morning sickness was a first child condition and rarely, if ever, repeats with the next pregnancy. Very reassuring... Oh my God, Taylor... You have FIVE CHILDREN!" I joked making him die with laughter. "Jesus CHRIST! We really ARE the Brady Bunch!" I shouted at him. I got up and sat on his lap as he cackled away.

"No, baby, we need one..." He started and I cut him off.

"DON'T EVEN FUCKING SAY IT! You hear me?! This is IT! No mas!" He was dying at this point. Truthfully, he never wanted more than three but for some reason, with me, he just didn't care...

"Gotta' take a test though... Just to be sure! And aren't you the LUCKIEST woman in the world to have SUCH a devoted husband who anticipates your EVERY need?" He joked and winked at me.

"Whaaaat? Nooo you didn't..." I laughed loudly. He smiled and nodded.

"Yep! I had Gus go get 'em. Take THAT!" He shouted and squeezed me tight. I laughed.

"You have them HERE?" I said, shaking my head in disbelief. 

"In my backpack. Go right ahead and take a look..." He smirked. We both got up and I walked over to the couch where is black North Face was sitting and dug inside. Sure enough... I took one in my hand.

"You're such a weirdo, you know that right?" I said shaking my head at him and laughing.

"ABBY!" We both jerked and turned to the door, I hid the test behind my back. "Time to go..." Josh said, not even acknowledging Taylor.

"Nice to see you too, Josh!" Taylor said sarcastically. Josh nodded at him. I quickly tossed the test back in his bag and approached Taylor seductively, my back to Joshua. I wrapped my body around him squeezed him. Taylor's face darkened as he held my head in one hand and slid his other hand slowly over my ass. I could feel the fabric of the bottom of my running shorts pull up a bit as he rubbed, revealing a bit of me... 

"'Til we meet again..." I whispered in his ear then kissed him deeply. A long, slow goodbye... I turned to Josh and stared up at him as he watched my every move. He looked at Taylor who just grinned and winked at him, rubbing his bloodied lip as he walked away. Josh followed me to the stage. I could feel his stare piercing me from behind. I knew how badly he wanted to fuck me. Everyone knew. Sadly, our sexual predilections really matched well too... Another time, another life... I would have in a heartbeat but no... I HAVE all the man I need... My perfect Taylor.

"Let's run through My God Is The Son" Josh said mildly to everyone. "Then Turnin' On The Screw..."

Taylor's POV

I sat lost in thought... A another baby... Another creation of ours... With Allison, I was very strict with stopping after three but, when I met Abby, all I could THINK about was "Goddamn it! We'd make BEAUTIFUL children!" Of course, Ollie sort of accidentally came to me, though, I must confess, I knew we'd be together... I knew if that child was mine that we'd feel that the universe was speaking to us, telling us that we had no choice... This was OUR gift, not his... I loved her from the moment I met her and though I realize I have made some mistakes as a man, I would never change a thing...

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