Chapter 62

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"I'm not playing with you guys, OK? I am only going on tour... I was fucking serious about that two guitar business! I'm tired of him having to fight for space!" I said as everyone nodded along emphatically.

"Fine! That's fine!" Taylor exclaimed, smiling at me wide-eyed.

"Besides, I'll give birth before the tour even ends so... You don't need some fucking preggo on stage. Let's at least TRY to maintain SOME level of cool around here. Hard enough with us all gettin' old as fuck... Not you, Britt. Enjoy your youth!" I laughed, caressing her face. She just smiled and shook her head.

"Oh WHAT-ever! You know how hot you are, pleeeease..." She laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Well, doesn't matter, what matters is that I will be with you and our family will be together. That's all I give a shit about anymore. Performing was fun but having sex with you is WAY more fun!" Taylor laughed hard, flinging his head back. I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply.

"Greaaaat..." Dave joked. I shot him the finger while continuing to kiss Taylor. We parted.

"Oh baby... I'm so fuckin' happy right now. I feel like I could throw up!" He said excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Hey! Me too!" I laughed as a wave of nausea washed over me and, thankfully, subsided quickly. Everyone cracked up. Our food arrived and we all took our seats again. Dave lifted his drink.

"To family and a great fucking tour!" He toasted with a huge smile. We all called out "cheers!" and clinked our glasses.


7 Months Later; Honda Center; Anaheim, California

As per usual, last dates are always home sweet home... Ollie and I had been home for about a month because I was becoming nervous to fly pregnant. You just never know with childbirth so there was no reason to risk it plus the Foo's always come home fairly frequently so it was great for me and Taylor. I could even have him at my doctor's appointments! It was perfect. We are having a girl this time which I am so happy about! I was ready to POP any minute but I would never miss seeing my guys this close to home. Britt drove us down from L.A. and we beelined it to the backstage area, getting hugs from security and crew the whole way there. Taylor smiled with open arms as I approached.

"They like you better than us..." He chuckled, gently stroking my hair and kissing me all over my face. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"They like that I cook for them..." I yawned. Taylor leaned back a little to look at me.

"Baby? Are you ASLEEP?!" He laughed. I jerked awake.

"NO!" I whined. He belly laughed hugging me to him.

"Ohhh OK, OK..." He laughed holding my face with both hands and hovering over my mouth with his. He waited patiently for me to part my lips and slowly slip his tongue inside. I sucked on his tongue gently.

"Welcome home, angel..." I whispered. He smiled and kissed me again. Just then I felt a contraction and winced, breathing through it. Taylor leaned down and rubbed my back.

"Contraction?! Oh shit... Uh, uh... Fuckin'...DAVE?! She's starting to have contractions!" He yelled out to him, motioning him and Britt over. Taylor pulled out his phone to check the time. "This is happening today or tomorrow, I dunno... I wish Ollie was here..." Taylor said in a panic.

"It's early, sweetie. I don't think there's any cause for alarm but you might want to designate someone to take over in case you have to leave... Is Drew here, by any chance?" I asked.

"He is!" Dave took out his phone to call Drew. "Where you at, man?!..." Dave started, walking off to find a quieter spot to talk.

"Leave it to our daughter to desperately want to see this show..." I laughed.

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