Chapter 15

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I was lying on a floating lounge chair reading over Los Angeles County and California court rules and procedure when I heard the door slam inside the house. I wasn't sure what time it was but I knew it had to be at least past 6:00 by the position of the sun in the sky.

"Abby?!" I heard Dave yell. He sounded a bit frantic.

"Out here, babe!" I yell pushing my sunglasses to the top of my head. Before I knew it he ran out of the house and walked right into the pool. Shirt, pants, shoes, sunglasses, EVERYTHING. He makes a big splash and I let out a little scream trying to protect my book from the water. He swims over to me.

"What are you DOING?!" I yell laughing and before I knew it he dumped me out of my chair. I let out a scream.

"DAVID ERIC GROHL!" I scream trying to find my book that I'm sure is now at the bottom of the pool. He grabs me and pulls me to him and lays the deepest, longest kiss on me that I've ever had. After what felt like an eternity, he finally stops and pulls away. "Holy fucking shit..." I gasp trying to catch my breath. I finally open my eyes and he's just staring at me, chest heaving. "Well, I'm going to assume that Taylor took the news OK..."

"He's fine. I mean, not all the way, but he will be. He will be." He said quietly. "Guess I should get out of the pool, huh?" He laughed and started to walk toward the stairs. I quickly grab his arm.

"Why?" I ask with a sly smile pulling him back to me. He smiles.

"Because I need to take off my wet clothes and shoooes..." He purrs staring down at me stroking my arms.

"But you can do that heeere..." I smile big raising my eyebrows up and down. He grins back.

"Ha! Okaaaay..." He laughs.

"Here, let me help you." I smile pulling his shirt up over his head and flinging it in the direction of the patio doors. He giggles. He picks his foot up and struggles to get his Vans off and his socks. We both are giggling uncontrolably. I move to his belt buckle and quickly undo it. He seems to want me to do the rest. I oblige. I stop at his underwear... and look up at him.  His face is soft and he looks a little nervous.

"I haven't slept with anybody other than Jordyn in a really long time..." He admits shyly. I smile and untie my black bikini top.. His jaw drops a little as I allow it to just float away. I can't take my eyes off of him. He's beautiful. I wrap my arms around his neck pressing my chest to his and he wraps his arms around my waist. "We don't have to have to have sex..." I start then before I knew it he was kissing me hungrily. I let up to breathe. "Or we can!" I laugh. He smiles and grabs my hand rushing to get out of the pool. We're both laughing hysterically as he drags me soaking wet through his house and up the stairs. We enter his gigantic bedroom which it had suddenly dawned on me that I had never been in before and he lets go of my hand only to grab my face and kiss me passionately. In all the hungry pawing at eachother we didn't realize that we had moved away from the bed... THUD! Yes, we fell to the floor. Luckily there was carpet in the bedrooms. We both begin to laugh uncontrolably.

"Oh my GOD!" He blerts out laughing. "Uuuuugh, dude, we're too old to fall like that. We'll break a fuckin' HIP!" He laughs rubbing his lower back. We both laugh. I stop and smile at him.

"Floors fine." I say and his face turns serious again. On my knees, I peel his soaked boxers off and stare down. "Floors great." I slowly begin to kiss his chest, then his torso, then small kisses along his pelvis then down the length of his inner thighs. He moaned and I took him into my mouth the sensation making his eyes shoot open and gasp. Taking his breath away. I enjoyed watching him feel such pleasure. It made me happy. When he finished I laid my head on his stomach the feeling of his heavy breathing allowing my head to rise and fall. He finally grabbed at my shoulders wanting me to come up to him. Eye level. He clutched me in his arms. Speechless. Suddenly words came.

"Your turn." He breathes and I smile and giggle as he quickly has me on my back." He smiles.

"Don't worry I wrote a whole song about it. You're in good hands!" He exclaims making me laugh. God... sex with Dave was FUN. Like FUN FUN!

I awoke the next morning startled for a moment not remembering where I was. No Dave but a note.

Stay where you are I'm coming back! xo

I smile and lay my head back down on the soft, fluffy pillow stretching my arms out. I roll over to his side and bury my face in his pillow. Chlorine and Aveda's rosemary and mint shampoo. Nice. Suddenly I hear footsteps in the hall. I smile into the pillow then turn over. Dave is in sleep pants and a faded navy blue t-shirt. He's never looked so good... He's smiling caring a tray with our coffee cops on it and some toasted bagels. He sat the tray down then threw himself onto me planting a huge kiss on my lips. "Good morning!" He said cheerfully. He hands me my coffee and I laugh.

"Good night last night?" I question. He rolls his eyes.

"Um, yeah? I totally got some last night. What was her name? Alley? Annie? Angie!" He yells out and tickles me. "Yeah, dude. We haven't even been on a DATE yet!" He jokes. I smile.

"Wow... She sounds like a real whore." I joke.

"Don't talk about Angie like that..." He jokes back in a serious tone.

"Better get yourself tested for VD, man! Dirty hooker!" I laugh as he tickles me relentlessly. "Stop! I'm going to spill my coffee!" I laugh.

"Want to go to the studio today?" He questions.

"Okay... But do I act like we didn't just do unmentionable things to each other? I mean, I'm almost positive that thing you did with your tongue is illegal in Alabama." I smile grabbing his knee. He smiles softly leaning in to kiss me.

"We'll be respectful." He whispers. "But if you THINK I'm not going to steal a kiss whenever I goddamn please, you are mistaken!" He yells.

"Alright! Alright! Let's get dressed." I exclaim and crawl out of bed. I throw on one of his t-shirts and some of his boxers and begin to walk out to the pool house.

"You should bring your things in here... I mean, if you want! Maybe you don't!" He stumbles nervously. I laugh.

"Hmmm... I'll pack a bag..." I say with a suspicious tone. He smiles big and I close the door. As I close the door I faintly hear a loud cheer. I giggle and keep walking. The day had a certain feeling to it already. Like anything was possible and all things were good. I had a strange feeling in my gut like something interesting was going to happen.

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