Chapter 44

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Taylor's POV

"Ah ha! You almost fucked up, asshole!" Dave sang at me. It was after dinner, so Dave and I decided to go talk in his studio while the girls chatted out on the patio. I shook my head and smiled.

" No, no, no... You have to understand that I had JUST talked to Abby, like, maybe two minutes before that interview. She was telling me that she was fingering herself, dude?! Like, holy shit?! What was I supposed to do with that information?! It could've been a DUDE and I probably would've flirted with him too! It was insane!" I exclaimed as I sat at Dave's sound board. His face scrunched.

"Jesus, Taylor?! TMI! TMI!" Dave yelled. I looked at him exasperated.

"Fuck you... What are you, 12?!" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"That's meeee!" Dave joked back. I shook my head.

"Fine... What's this I hear about you recording somethin? You don't normally do that without me unless it's acoustic. What you got?" I asked. Dave made a face.

"I just had something I couldn't get out of my head so I decided to record it. No big deal..." He replied.

"Can I see the lyrics, at least? I assume I'll have to play it someday..." I said. Dave slowly nodded and pulled out a notebook then flipped through the pages.

"Here. Knock yourself out." He said flatly, taking me aback a bit. I read it and got stuck on the lyric...

One moment I was standing tall but with just one word I lost it all...I lost it all...

The whole fucking song was about her... I peered up at him and stared.

"You want to record this?" I asked. Dave nodded and swiveled in his chair looking around.

"Yes..." He replied. This was so typical... From the moment I got in this band the rule always was "my way or the highway"... Thoughts or feelings other than his never seemed to matter which I didn't used to mind, really. I got paid a fuckton of money based on his thoughts and feelings so I rarely complained. He always likes to push...

"Last I knew, Abby was still in this band. Has something changed? She fucking has to sing with you, man. You're going to do this to her?" I questioned, annoyed. He cocked his jaw at me.

"It's a song. I write 'em, you guys play 'em, that's the deal... I can't help that something happened to me that inspired me. I can't just forget that it happened. It doesn't mean anything. It's just a song. A really good song..." He shot back. I shook my head and laughed.

"Why can't you ever think of anyone else in this band? Why does it have to be just your band? You'd think after 22 years that it would eventually be OUR band but no... It never is..." I shook my head disgusted.

"Huh?! That's how you fucking feel? Seriously? That fucking HURTS, Taylor!" Dave shouted.

"If it really was OUR band, you wouldn't do this, you would CARE. If I fucking wrote a song about BRITTANY and put it on a Coattail record you would be livid and you would have every RIGHT to be. You know... When I was a kid? I didn't give a shit WHAT you did because all that mattered was havin' fun, gettin' laid and gettin' paid but I'm a goddamn man now and I have a family to protect and NOTHING takes precedence over that. Not you. Not the Foo Fighters. Not your fucking BRILLIANT song writing. Nothing! So if you want to tell ME to go fuck myself and hire a new drummer then fine. Do it. It wouldn't be the first time you almost threw away our friendship over your precious feelings..." Dave's face dropped. He knew exactly what I was talking about. He let out a shaky sigh.

"It's JUST a song... This is fucking ridiculous... And what are you gonna do? Make a living playing Chevy Metal and Coattail gigs?! I'd like for your family not to STARVE..." He said sarcastically. Motherf...

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