Chapter 57

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I never replied back to Joshua's email though in it he made certain to tell me that he had absolutely no one else in mind and that they were having a meeting at Pink Duck to go over possible tour dates and future festival dates, logistics, whatnot. The meeting would be on Saturday at 12:00 pm. The day rolled around and I told Taylor we should both go.

"You want me there?" Taylor asked with a soft sad face. "I don't know if I can..." He was absolutely afraid he was going to lose it in a room full of men he barely knew. I knew him well...

"Baby, I want ya' there because I need you to be a part of the process. This is a first for us being apart like this so I need you to feel comfortable." He shook his head. He was never going to be comfortable... "I'm bringing Ollie too." He gave me a face like I was crazy and followed me into the nursery where Ollie was playing in his playpen. I picked him up and put him on the changing table.

"Why, baby?" He inquired. I smiled at Ollie, checked his diaper then got out his Black Flag onesie that Uncle Dave bought him. Taylor and I both laughed and beamed at him.

"Because he is going to be with me the entire time and they need to get used to that fact right now. You, me and Ollie are a package deal. Always. No matter where you are..." I said and kissed his lips.


After Taylor, Ollie and I had lunch at a small cafe in Burbank, we made our way to Pink Duck and rang the buzzer. Josh answered and looked at me completely stunned. I smirked at him.

"Mind if we come in?" I asked. He nodded and stepped aside. I handed Ollie to Joshua as we stepped inside. Joshua made funny faces and tickled him making him belly laugh. Josh looked at me with a big smile. "I know... He's got the world's best laugh!" I smiled then took him back and handed him to Taylor.

"Are you here for real, Abby? Are you going out with us?" He asked, taking my hands. Taylor stared at his hands on mine. "This would be the best news I've had in a very long time..." I took a deep breath and stared up at him.

"Yes... BUT I have some conditions and if they can't be met then I won't go and... I think I deserve to so..." Joshua nodded emphatically.

"Yes. Absolutely. Let's talk." He said, leading us back into the office space. Taylor looked around clutching Ollie tightly and kissing his head. He was dreading this... I could hear the others in the hall and everyone let out a gasp and slapped their hands on the conference table, tearing out of their chairs to come hug me. Dean and Alain squeezed me tight.

"I can't believe you're actually here... Oh sweetie..." Dean whispered, rocking me back and forth. I wiped away a tear.

"This is what I always wanted. I couldn't miss this..." I said, putting my hand on his face and smiling at him. I looked at Taylor who looked genuinely touched by their reaction. It was clear that I had made an impression. We all took a seat and listened to the tour manager, Kevin Carter, and his assistant, Pam, speak... I looked at Taylor's face as we looked at the spreadsheet of tour dates. This wasn't Foo Fighters "two on, two off" shit; this was extensive... This was non-stop... He handed me Ollie and got up, starting to pace.

"No fuckin' way! This is like...WHAT THE FUCK, MAN? Do you all have NO families because I know that you fuckin' do... This is like me when I was in my 20s kinda' BULLshit!" Taylor ranted. Joshua rolled his eyes.

"We all don't make Foo Fighters money, buddy... Don't you fuckin' know that by now or is your head shoved THAT far up your own ass..." Josh said, clearly not trying to pick a fight but to make a point. Taylor laughed and shook his head.

"How much fuckin' money do you need?!" Taylor whined.

"Says the multi-millionaire..." Josh sighed. Taylor glared at him.

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