Chapter 17

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"I can't fucking BELIEVE IT!" Dave shouts excitedly grabbing my hand and shaking it. I come to. I haven't heard a word he's said the whole ride home. "I mean, I'm still kind of pissed at Pat but jeezy creezy what a fucking TWIST!" I laugh.

"It is definitely a twist alright..." I mumble and stare back out the window into the darkness. "Does this mean I shouldn't take the job? I don't know what to do..." I'm in such shock I feel ill.

"Hmmm... That's an interesting question... I mean, we have a ways to go on the recording. We probably won't head out until late this year then into next year, of course." Pat had stated that he wanted to continue recording. I felt like he should finish what he started. He deserved the credit.

"I feel like I would be taking a really great position from a more deserving person, ya' know?" I say feeling guilt creep in. "Maybe I can look for part time work that way I can still spend time with you all in the studio plus I'm going to need to start playing all of the time. No time off from that." Dave nods in agreement then looks over at me with a smile.

"I can't wait to see the world with you." He says gently. My heart leaps in my chest. I unbuckle my seat belt and hug him. He laughs. "Oh my God buckle up this van is a deathtrap!" He laughs. I kiss him on the cheek and sit back down laughing.

"Fine! No road head for you, my friend!" I joke. He's cocks his head to side eye me.

"Well, now, let's not be too hasty here..." He says seriously.

"Well, I can't do it unless we're both unbuckled so that's our answer right there!" I shout. We both laugh. "You know you're super getting laid tonight, right?" I ask him with a serious face. He cackles.

"Is that like super-sizing something in a drive-thru?" He questions. I roll my eyes.

"Uh, duh! Of course it is." I say sarcastically.

"Then, yes! I would like to super-size it, please!" He says cheerfully.

"Excellent choice, sir. That will be $1 million dollars. Please drive around." We both cackle.

"Worth it." He says in a joking voice as we pull up the driveway.

November 4th, 2016

I was sitting on the floor in the living room playing Barbies with Ophelia when Dave came in with Violet and Harper coming back from their horse riding lessons. Tomorrow Dave and I would start our tour with the Foos in South America. I was scared to death. Playing Barbies actually relaxed me and I loved it and Ophelia. I loved the girls so much it was sickening. My whole life all I ever wanted was a daughter and now I had three. I was in love, again. I had four loves now. I was so lucky...

"Hey, you two!" Dave called out walking up to us and kissing me on the mouth and Phee on the head.

"Hey, you guys!" I say and hop up allowing V and Harper to take my place on the floor with Phee. "What do you all think about breakfast for dinner?!" I yell out.

"Yaaaaay!!!" The girls yell out and I smile.

"Sweet! I'm on it!" I reply and jog to the kitchen. I start to crack eggs in a bowl when Dave wraps himself around me. I smile and try to continue.

"Yaaay..." He says gently in my ear. I grin.

"Be daddy, right now. Be daddy!" I whisper and lightly smack his hands from my waist. He chuckled and headed toward the girls. He sat Indian style on the floor with them and I giggled. I made a whole breakfast of eggs, bacon, French toast and biscuits with sausage gravy and called out to them. The food of my youth. I was an at least 6th generation Floridian and my mama was a West Virginian by birth. Dave loved my Southern roots.

"Come on, everyone !" I called and all of them and they rushed to the table. I loved watching them eat and enjoy themselves. I couldn't eat. Dave looked at me with a scared look.

"You need to eat, angel..." Dave grumbled.

"I'm OK!" I exclaim and sit with everyone. If I eat I will throw it up so I just help Phee with her food. It's easier. Dave frowns at me.

"Babe. Come on." He says seriously. I shake my head.

"I'm fine, daddy!" I say with a baby voice and help Phee with her dinner. Dave stares at me and frowns. I smile.

"Are you guys happy!" I exclaim.

"Yeaaah!" The girls call out and I smile. If I allow my mind to wander to tomorrow then I get nauseous.

"I love you all!" I call out. I want to cry.

"You'll do so great, Baba..." Harper calls out I smile.

"Everyone tell Baba how great she'll be!" Dave yelled.

"I can do it!" I call out and walk toward the downstairs bathroom and throw up in the toilet. I'm gagging.

"Baba is awesome!" Dave calls out and joins me in the bathroom. He's holding my hair back.

"I'm okay girls..." I breathe.

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