Chapter 14

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Dave's POV

After Abby went to bed I couldn't sleep thinking about how I'd handle Taylor. Her and I didn't sleep together. I wanted that to happen when we both felt comfortable with the situation. It wouldn't be right otherwise. But godDAMN did I want to! Stop thinking about that, Grohl!!! Fuck you!!! *sigh* Anyway... I went into my drum room to let off some steam. Best way for me.

I woke up early and decided to just go to the studio before anyone else would get there. I turned on the board so it could warm up. I went to unlock the instrument storage room and turned on the light. There it was. Kurt's guitar laying on the road case where Abby left it. I picked it up and walked into the control room. I took it out and sat down on the couch and began to play. I thought of Abby. About an hour passed when Adam Casper came in with Nick in tow.

"Hey man!" They both call out. I jerked out of the zone standing up to shake their hands. "No Abby today?" Nick asks inquisitively.

"No, not today. Decided she'd enjoy some time to herself before she starts her new job. I think she starts pretty soon. Her old boss hooked her up with some old Harvard classmate. I think he's some big shot attorney in Beverly Hills. She's not looking forward to it." I laughed. That was true. She was used to her quiet, little law practice back home. Change was scary.

"She'll be missed!" Nick smiled. Oh boy, he probably had a crush on her already. Hard not to.

"Who will be missed?" Taylor said walking into the room. I stared at him and took in a deep breath.

"Abby. No Abby today." I mumble and put my guitar in the case locking it then stashing it next to the sofa. Taylor frowned looking surprised. "She wanted some pool time and to talk to mom and her peeps. She'll probably be in tomorrow." I say walking past him and patting him on the shoulder. I was already acting weird and nervous. I could feel it.

"I called her this morning but she didn't pick up..." He started and sat on the couch pulling his baseball cap down over his eyes. "I think she's mad at me." He says.

"No, she's not." I reply. Why did I fucking say that... "She was probably just sleeping. She's trying to set her inner clock right now." Taylor raises his hat and narrows his eyes at me.

"You two are getting close..." He says suspiciously.

"Yeah. We are." I say assertively. He smirks. He's jealous already. I can tell.

"Huh!" He laughs in a non-joking way and stares me down.

"We like each other. Nothin' fucking wrong with that." I'm starting to get pissed. That feeling before I go for the jugular. I resist. He cocks his head and smirks again.

"Let's just get started on the next drum track." He grumbles and walks out of the room. I follow. I was going to play the cymbals on this one. He was accustomed to my overreach.

As day came to a close and I knew I had to deal with Taylor... "Just do it. Don't be a pussy..." I thought. "Hey, T? Can we talk?" I ask. Nick and Adam look at each other and exit quickly. I throw them a smile as they leave.

"Okaaay..." Taylor answers and takes a seat at the board. I make sure Nick and Adam are gone before I start...

"Can I ask you something, T?" I start.

"Yes..." He sighs.

"What are you're current intentions with Abby?" I ask. He fumbles his words

"What do what... We're friends... I..." Taylor spits out.

"Okaaay... Well, that doesn't sound very... Solid?" I question. I breath deep. Here I go...
"I want to date her." I say like I'm talking to her dad. I wish I to her dad... Taylor glares at me.

"You want to date her?" He repeats back.

"Yes. I do... Taylor fucking admit it. You have no intention of leaving Allison. Just fucking say it." I hiss. I don't want to fight but his attitude is putting me in that mood... His face saddens. I feel bad now.

"I... I love my wife." He spits out. Finally. The truth. "Ab and I are..." He's searching his thoughts carefully "we're like best friends with benefits..." He admits.

"Not anymore." I say flatly. "no more." I say sternly.

"You love her don't you?" He asks wistfully.

"More than anything..." I reply. He closes his eyes and cocks his head.

"OK... I guess I'm leaving her in good hands then." He says then rises. He grabs my shoulder. "Treat her well." Taylor says then leaves me.

"I will!" I call out. Abby we're free. I instinctually grab Kurt's guitar from the side of the couch and quickly exit. Making sure to turn on the security alarm. "Baby..." I say aloud to myself and jump in my van. I can't wait to see her...

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