Chapter 29

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**If you're enjoying this fanfic please follow me. I have a few fun spin-off one shots so please give them a read plus I want to plug twhxddleston , SpaceyPrissy89 and apoisonapple because they are phenomenal! **

It felt like deja vu sitting in the doctor's office holding Dave's hand. He was drumming on the desk making me completely horny which apparently wasn't hard to do nowadays... Yes, I was the crazy, hormonal pregnant girl. Not ashamed. Dave had taken part of the day off from the Vultures to hear the results. Dr. Hastings entered the room smiling.

"Hello, you two!" She greeted us.

"Please just tell us doc..." Dave blurted out. I took my hand from his and placed it on the back of his neck.

"Well, the test was negative. No DNA was detected as a match to Mr. Hawkins." She said seriously. Dave stood up and banged on the door with both hands. I let out a guttural breath. Dr. Hastings didn't know what to do but smile. Clearly we were elated.

"I'm sorry, doc, but we're going to kiss now..."I tell her grabbing Dave's face and planting the wettest, deepest kiss I could on him.

"Understood!" Dr. Hastings says then walks out of the room.

"Wow do you feel, big dog?" I question. His eyes turn glassy.

"This wasn't a win. This was a blessing." Dave said sniffing back tears then rubbing my tummy and kissing it.

"I agree'"  dragging Dave's face back to mine and kissing him again. "Mmm... Do you think she'd mind if we had sex on her desk?" He smiled big.

"Probably. Meh! We can just do it in the car!" He says as we stroll out hand in hand.


When we returned home my stomach felt nervous. I wasn't really sure what Taylor's reaction would be but I knew I needed to tell him alone. I just thought that Dave being there would for some reason feel like he was rubbing it in his face. It was touchy and complicated. Taylor is the sensitive one where Dave is the pragmatist. To him this was simply the perfect outcome and of course it was. No fear or guilt or having to lie...but I knew Taylor and I knew his heart. I called him.

"Hey..." He answered breathless.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Topanga..." He breathed.

"Can I meet you?" I asked, stomach rising to my throat.

"Here?" He questioned.

"Yeah... Can you meet me at Eagle Rock? Say in, like, 45 minutes?" There was silence.

"Sure. I'll see you there." He said quietly then hung up.

I went to find my hiking boots when Dave came into our room whistling.

"What are you doing?" He questioned as I tied up my shoes.

"I'm going for a hike." I say quietly.

"Like shit you are!" He exclaimed, brow furrowed.

"I'm meeting Taylor in Topanga State Park. I need to talk to him alone." I say taking a deep breath.

"Then you do it here! I'm not having you out there pregnant and alone!" He argued.

"You know how crowded it always is there. I'll be fine!"

"But..." I cut him off.

"Dave! I'm not arguing with you! I have my phone which is fully charged; I am not THAT pregnant and it's a fucking two mile hike. I think I can handle it!" I yell. His faces softens and he nods.

" careful, please." He says quietly, hugging me and kissing the top of my head. I smiled and nodded.

"It's a beautiful day." I reply then take his hands and bring them to my lips. "I'll see you later. Say "hi" to Joshua and Jonesy for me." I say grabbing my backpack and sunglasses then head out.


As I approached the overlook I saw him perched on a rock looking out into the canyon. I smiled. I loved to see him in nature. It's where he felt the best. It's where he could think.

"It never gets old..." I say, his head jerking toward me. He smiled at me with sad eyes then jumped down to greet me.

"No, it doesn't... Remember when I brought you here the first time you visited?" He asked. I blushed.

"How could I ever forget that... Not every day you have sex outdoors...hikers and bikers all over the damn place..." I laugh at the memory.

"We were careful! It was early..." He chuckled. "Couldn't beat the view..." He said staring into my eyes.

"No. You couldn't." I stare back. Taylor frowned then nodded. A tear trickled from the side of his eye. I nod back.

"I'm happy for Dave." He whispered staring at the ground. I took his hands in mine and lead him to the overlook to have a seat. We held hands and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Taylor... I love you... You...God, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you. You've done so much for me. You gambled your life just to make our dream come true. You're my hero." I say, fighting back sobs. "You are my best friend." Taylor closed his eyes.

"I just wished... I just wanted to share that with you. Have you carry a piece of me with you..." He whispered, tears staining his beautiful, dusty face. I wiped at his tears.

"I know... Me too... But now we can all just live without fear. We can be free." I ran my fingers through his wet hair. He nodded. We sat quiet staring out at the canyon for an hour...maybe more. I kissed his bare, salty shoulder.

"Walk me back to my car?"

"Sure." He said getting up then putting out his hands to help me to my feet. He grabbed his bike and his pack.

"Thank you..." I whisper and we walked the rugged terrain together. Never has something felt more fitting.

 Never has something felt more fitting

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**Sweet Jesus, that was tough. I cried writing it! GAH!**

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