Chapter 2

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As we are pulling up to Dave's home I am suddenly stricken silent as the two boys keep up their regular tempo of a "conversation." I use quotes because their conversations seem more like a battle of words and volume than conversation, at times. I'm trying to keep up but I am clearly bested. Nothing can best time. Two best friends who have known each other for almost 20 years is a lot to come in to. I know my newer friends always have felt that way about me and my two best friends Karen and Lee. I've been best friends with them since I was 8. Not easy. Not even a little. Karen and Lee... What have I done...
"Here we are!" Dave says loudly. He seems a bit nervous.
"Let me grab your bag, babe." Taylor says sweetly and hops to it.
"Your home is beautiful..." I say with awe. It is. I am totally blown away.
"It's alright. It's been changed so many goddamn times I barely recognize it anymore but it's nice. I hope you are comfortable." He says with a quiet tone. He seems uncomfortable. I try to break the mood.
"Bed. Bathroom. I'll be fine!" I smile and pat him on the back. Mmm... Muscles... What? I'm fucking human!
"Good." He laughs.
"Let's get you settled" Taylor interrupts "then we can get outta here and to the studio. We're demoing now, babe! You'll love it." Taylor says with a smile. He already knows me well. Our daily talks, texts and Skypes have kept us close. I've already heard the "yeah, I think Allison might be a wee jealous" lines thrown around. He was minimizing so I wouldn't overreact. He was smart.
"Oh Jesus! I can't fucking wait!" I exclaim. I notice Dave staring at me. He startles.
"Yeah! To the poooool house, ma lady." He says with a comical, aristocratic voice. I smile.
"Why, lead the way, my good man!" I joke back. He smiles. I like it when he smiles at me.

As we pull up to Studio 606 my stomach turns into a knotted mess. I see several cars outside. "I'm going into the room where it happens..." I think then chuckle to myself as my brain sings the rest of the Hamilton song. Jesus Christ, I am a nerd...
"Welcome!" Dave yells as we come through the door. "Right. This. Waaaay..." He says with a glimmer in his eye bowing and allowing me to pass ahead of him. "Dave..." I think. Jesus, I don't know what to think...
We walk into the control room where Chris, Nate and Pat are sitting and chatting along with the engineer, Lou. They all turn to stare at me and my stomach goes straight to my throat.
"Guys? This is my friend, Abby, and she'll be hanging with us this whole week so get well acquainted." Taylor says seriously. I shake hands with everyone and promptly take a seat on the couch next to Chris Shiflett. Holy shit. What a dreamboat...
The boys go right to work yet socializing the whole time. It's clear they've missed each other. Time off is great until it's not. Dave has a notebook out and is playing something that he obviously recorded at home and everyone, including me, is listening intently. They all go into action with Dave taking charge. It's clear who wears the pants around here. They do several takes in the big room. I am now sitting next to Lou at the desk, marveling at everything. "I am home." I think.

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