Chapter 9

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Time seemed to fly by and, before I knew it, it was the eve of the day I planned my journey to Los Angeles. I was completely packed and all of my big stuff which mostly just consisted of my Sonos system, speakers, drums, the majority of my clothes and some pictures and paintings had already shipped out. I chose not to be sentimental about too many items. I sold and gave away most of my stuff and there was a LOT of stuff... I decided to stay with my mom that final night. We were about to leave for dinner when there was a knock at the front door.
"Who is it?" She asks me. I shrug and open the door.
"Surprise!" They yell. It was Dave and Taylor. I scream and grab them both. They both laughed hysterically.
"What are you doing here?! Get inside!" I scream standing aside.
"Weeeell, we thought it would be nice to meet your mom that way she knows who the hell your moving all the way across the country to live with." Dave and Taylor both smiled big and said "hi" to my mom and hugged her. She looked a little like she might faint. They are a LOT to take in. She looked smitten already... I laughed to myself as she fumbled to speak to them.
"We're going to dinner!" She exclaims clearly nervous and random. The three of us looked at each other and chuckled.
"Yes ma'am!" Dave exclaimed making her laugh and we left.

Later that evening I went back to Dave and Taylor's hotel room at the Don Cesar on the beach. We had gotten some drinks and walked downstairs to sit on the dark beach. We sat staring out into the abyss taking turns making each other laugh. It was perfect.
"So, Dave, I didn't want to bring this up at dinner" I started very seriously "but me and Taylor have been talking aaaand...we were really hoping for a three way tonight as a going away gift to me, whadda ya' saaaay?" I smile and Dave falls back into the sand cackling. "What's so funny?" I continue "we were hoping for a spit roast...the whole nine yards!" They were both howling now.
"Dude! How do you E-VEN know what that is?!" Dave cries, barely able to breathe.
"Oh, it's all the rage. All the cool kids are doing it!" I exclaim as they both roll on the ground. I loved making them laugh. It was my favorite thing to do. Their laughs were beautiful to me. I'm pretty sure peace would be brought to this world if everyone just sat around watching those two laughing. I went home after a short make out session with Taylor in my car. I know I shouldn't do that. I know how bad it is. It's just...his smile. It's disarming. I had told him the next morning after we slept together in LA that we really shouldn't do that again. I also know that saying "no" to Taylor is not my strong suit. I love him. Hard to say no to someone you love.

The next day Dave and Taylor picked me up in a town car to go to the airport. They were able to get on my flight but they of course changed me to first class with them. They came to help me with my bags. Dave eyes my guitar on the ground then looks back up to me with eyes squinted
"Guitar???" He questions and seems very confused. I pick it up. I smirk at him and my eyebrow shoots up.
"I am a woman with many secrets..." I say slyly and walk past him getting into the car. He shakes his head and gets in the front seat. Taylor slides in next to me in the back and gives me the eye with a smile. I shake my head at him and mouth the word "no!" but before I can say it again he gently put his hand on my cheek and kissed me deeply and slowly pulled away with a smile.
"I'm so excited right now." He whispers. I open my eyes and smile.
"Me too."

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