Chapter 41

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"You're a really high risk pregnancy at this point and I don't want you to go through labor so I will be scheduling you a C-section..." I realized at some point my brain came back into the conversation. I don't know what I've missed. They're afraid I'm going to go into premature labor, is all I can remember. I looked over at Taylor who's terrified face was hanging on Dr. Hastings' every word and squeezed his hand. He looks at me and I felt my heart break. I began to stroke his face with my free hand.

"Are they gonna' be OK, doc?! I'm...I'm fucking scared to death now! Jesus Christ..." He exclaims, hunching over putting his head in his hands. I rub his back. He sounds like he might hyperventilate.

"Sit up, angel, and put your hands on your head. Slow, steady breaths..." I say gently and he does. Dr. Hastings calls the front desk to bring us a bottle of water and she hands it to me. I hand it to him once I think he can handle it. His face breaks into a sad, frown.

"This is happening to you and you're taking care of me... This isn't right..." He said as tears began to streak his face. I rubbed his back and kissed his shoulder.

"We're gonna' be OK, baby... I know it." I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. He put his arm around me and rested his face against my forehead.

"You have to be..." He whispers.

"Taylor this is all just precautionary. She has had a hard pregnancy and she's older but she'll be fine. I just don't want to take any chances. Nothing more." Dr. Hastings reassured him. Taylor nodded and we left.


When we got back to the house, we were greeted sweetly by the entire brood. Shane had really come around, much to Allison's displeasure, I'm sure. Our new nanny, Marjorie, was picking up the children's toys. Taylor made me get a nanny while I was on bedrest. He was recording at 606 and I didn't want him to stop because I knew how good the record was even though he begged me to put in on hold. I really wanted him to go for it on this record and he couldn't do that staring at me all day. We picked Marjorie because she was mature in age plus she was British therefore we all called her Mary Poppins. She didn't even mind!

"When is the baby coming?!" Annie asked kissing my tummy sweetly.

"Well, we, in fact, know EXACTLY when the baby is coming and it is coming March 31st at 8:00 am!" I exclaimed. Taylor's face didn't crack a smile.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Annie asked sweetly, hugging his waist. He sighed.

"Nothin', sweetie. I'm fine." He said softly, squeezing her to him. "Go lay down, baby." He commanded to me and I decided I would stay on the sofa so I could watch the children play. "Won't you be more comfortable in bed?" He asked.

"I'm more comfortable being surrounded by our children." I smiled and kissed Alex on her cheeks. He loved it when I called them "our" children; Allison HATED it with a fiery passion of the sun. I just didn't care.

"Alright then..." He said with a little smile and leaned down to kiss me. A somewhat R-rated kiss for having the kids around, I thought...

"Well, that was nice..." I grinned at him. He smiled and winked me then brushed my hair back.

"Be naked when I get home, please." He laughed then turned to leave for the day.

"I'll try..." I laugh and go back to playing with Alex. "Your daddy's silly." I say and she smiles.


February 28, 2017

Taylor had left for the studio around noon. The children and I decided on some pool time. Marjorie was on the phone and I got a few bits and pieces from her conversation. I can't help it, I'm the world's best eavesdropper...

"Ms. White, my youngest daughter is quite ill and I would like to take her to the doctor. Would it be alright if I left for a little while?" She asked apologetically. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Mary! Please do." I smiled and waved her off. "I wouldn't have it any other way! We'll see you later!" I exclaimed making sure she felt comfortable. She smiled.

"I'll be back straight away!" She said then left in a hurry. I lounged in the water as the children played. Shane cannonballed into the pool splashing us all. Alex wanted to jump into the water so I held my arms out so she would jump into my arms. She did so but missed the mark making me have to grab her. I felt my body tense up.

"No more jumping, baby..." I said clutching her to me. She nodded and I held her to me. I felt my body cramp but was able to breathe through it. "Let's put your water wings on, sweetie." I breathed and grabbed at them at the side of the pool... I suddenly felt an intense pain and whimpered. Alex looked scared. I breathed through the pain. "H-here... Let's put these on..." I stammered. I felt the intense pain again, making me double over. I tried to breath through it but I couldn't help but cry. Shane and Annie swam over to me.

"Are you OK, Abby?" They asked. I wasn't...

"I'll be OK... Shane could you call Daddy, please..." I cried. They were frightened but he was able to dial Taylor who answered quickly.

"Abby? Are you alright?" Taylor answered. Shane cried.

"Daddy... Abby is hurting..." He cried, tears steaming down his face.

"Shane! Call 911, buddy! You know how to do that! Just call 911 and I'll see you soon, OK?! Where's Marjorie?!" He questioned.

"She's not here..." Shane sobbed.

"I'm hanging up! Call 911!" Taylor yelled. Shane did so and cried with the dispatcher. My pain was getting worse. I knew I felt my water break in the pool and I cried. I tried to be strong.

"Annie... T-take y-your ssssister..." I stammered and she grabbed her from the pool. Shane sat next to me in tears. I couldn't help but cry. I finally heard the paramedics pull up. "B- b- baby could you go let them in..." I cried and Shane shot up and ran into the house. Before I knew it I was on a gurney. "The children!" I cried.

"The police are here, miss. They have them." The paramedic assured me. Another contraction came and I cried out.

"It's too soon!" I cried. The paramedics nodded. I doubled over in pain. I felt like my heart could go out.

"Let's go!" The paramedic shouted and pounded on the cab.

"Where is she, Shane? Do you know? Put the officer on the phone, bud!" Taylor yelled sending Shane into hysterical crying.

"Hey!? Where's my girl?!" Taylor yelled grabbing my bag from the closet. He was still sweaty and shirtless. He pulled a t-shirt over his head.

"Providence Tarzana, sir." The police officer shot back.

"Thank you! I'm sending a friend to get the kids, Ok? His name is Chris Shiflett, OK?" Taylor barked. The officer agreed and he dialed Chris. He next dialed Dave...

"Hey, man!" Dave answered. Taylor immediately broke down.

"Abby... She's in labor..." Taylor cried. Dave had been apprised of everything previously.

"Where is she?" He asked, motioning to Britt on the other side. Taylor sobbed.

"Providence Tarzana... I'm on my way..." He cried.

"We're on our way, buddy... Be safe driving, OK?" Dave insisted. Taylor hung up.


I screamed in agony...

"We can't give you a spinal block, Abigail. I'm sorry but it's too late." The doctor yelled over my cries. I thought I was going to pass out. I was so weak... "OK, I need you to push, alight? On my 3... 1...2...3..." I felt him come through. I sobbed. "OK, I think one more good push..." The doctor said. "On my 3, sweetie. 1...2...3!" He exclaimed. I felt him push out and I cried. The doctor immediately handed him to a nurse.

"Why isn't he crying... Why isn't he crying?! Please?!"

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