Chapter 13

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The clock turned 7:00 when everyone decided to call it a day. I quickly stopped playing with Dave's guitar and walked it down the hallway to put it in its case. I lay it down gently snuggling it into the plush velvet lining of the case then stare at it for a moment running my hand over the body.
"Good night, Kurt." I whisper and close it up tight. I walk it out of the room and start back to the storage room.
"You don't have to put it in there." Dave says spotting me heading in that direction.
"If I don't then I'll worry about it all night. I prefer peace of mind." I reply. He smiles and nods. I lay it down gently a top an old road case then ask for someone to please lock the door to the room. I walk back to the control room area and everyone is saying their goodbyes. I spot Taylor in the hall and he walks up to me hands in pockets.
"I have to get home." He says sheepishly.
"Get home to your family, T." I say quietly. His eyes look sad. "It's where you belong." He nods slowly and walks away. I go to find Dave who is finishing up a conversation with Nick. He was joking about something making everyone laugh. He had that way about him. He eyes me and quickly ends the conversation.
"I'll see you all tomorrow, guys." He says quickly and walks toward me with a smile. "Your chariot awaits!" He beams and we walk out to the parking area. He opens my door and I get inside. He jogs to the driver side and climbs in.
"I love this old van. It's so pretty." I marvel.
"Pretty?" He laughs.
"Yes! It's pretty!" I laugh and he starts it up. The rumble of the engine wakes me up.

We arrive back home and crawl out. The sky was turning very dark and the wind was whipping the tree tops around like rag dolls. We run to get inside as the thunder grows more menacing and distant flashes become more frequent. We just make it in when the heavens let loose.
"That was close!" I exclaim and we both chuckle.
"Want something to drink? We can sit and watch it pour!" He says clearly excited by such a simple prospect.
"That sounds wonderful." I say putting my purse down and taking off my jacket and shoes. Dave grabs a bottle of Pinot from the wine cooler and two sparking glasses. We walk onto the covered part of the patio and have a seat. He pours our glasses and we sit quietly as the rain pours down onto the back yard. I take a sip then clear my throat.
"Today was a good day." I say just loud enough for him to hear. He turned to me and smiled.
"It was... Only made better because you were there." I blush and look down at my glass.

Dave's POV

"I could sit like this forever..." I thought looking at her. "I want to..." She's so beautiful. In and out. If anyone else had taken that guitar...Any-one... I would have killed them just for looking at it but for some reason seeing her there playing it just felt right. I knew I could share anything with her. She was special and I knew it. It was like it found her. I knew where I hid it and I knew there were numerous other guitars she should have found first but no... It called to her. Maybe she's an angel...

"I just sat there watching" she finally said. "I didn't do anything" she said shaking her head. I smiled at her.

"You were there. That's all that matters" I said looking out at the unrelenting rain. She nodded. She suddenly stood up and walked over to me. She stood in front of me just staring when next I knew she sat in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her head against mine. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes. We just sat there...silent.

"I'm still confused, Dave. I don't know what to do..." She whispers.

"Let's not think about that now." I whispered back.

"We have to." She replied. Her voice shaking.

"You don't owe him anything, sweetheart. You only owe yourself. He will understand. He knows what he's doing isn't right." I say factually.

"But it's you. It's not some random person, Dave. It's you..." She cried.

"It doesn't matter." I say trying to believe my own words.

"You know it does." She whispered back. We both fall silent.

"I know it does." I think to myself. I just want to stop thinking about it. I just want to sit in this moment with this amazing woman and not fucking think. I want to kiss her. I want to make love to her and I want it to be special and real and I don't want it tainted by some fucked up secret. I love Taylor. I do. He's my best friend but this... I'm not going to allow him to yank her around so that he can have his cake and eat it too. I know he's in love with his wife. He tells me all the time. And so what if it's me! He should be HAPPY that it's me because he knows I would never hurt her. That I would take care of her. That her.

"I'll talk to him." I say "Maybe hangout here instead of the studio tomorrow. Call your mom and your friends."

"I can't be gutless, Dave..." She says shaking her head. I can smell her shampoo. It smells like gardenias...

"You're not. This isn't about you though this is about me. I am the difference in this situation. I need him to be alright with this because I can't lose him but I also can't lose you. It's tricky."

"OK. I'll stay home..." She says softly and lifts her head up. She then gently placed her hand on my cheek and turned me to face her then placed her mouth on mine. Her tongue sliding between my lips. My head feeling light and dizzy. Like your first kiss when you're a kid. I wished it would never end...

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