Chapter 48

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Taylor and I had returned from our honeymoon in Bora Bora about a week and a half after our wedding. We had an AMAZING time and it was breathtakingly beautiful. We hiked, snorkeled and just lazed around. There were days that we never left our bed and those were my favorite days, by far... I didn't have the heart to tell him about Queens while we were away. It was his vacation, afterall. Time to get back to reality. Taylor was in his studio and the baby was asleep so I figured now was the best time.

 "Taylor can I..." I started. He turned and smiled at me pointing to his cell. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'll come back..." Taylor grabbed my hand.

"No, baby! It's Dave! He wants to start recording demos this week!" He smiled. "Here, let me just put you on speaker..." Taylor put the phone down on his soundboard and I just sat there quietly listening to the goofballs' conversation.

"So... Abby... Are you in?" Dave asked. Taylor was smiling at me and nodding. I started to shake my head slowly. Taylor's face fell. "What is going on over theeeere???" Dave finally sang into the phone.

"She said "no." Taylor said flatly. He was pouting...

"Seriously, dude?! Come the fuck oooon!" Dave exclaimed. 

"I have a prior commitment." I said. Taylor had a surprised look on his face. 

"WHAT "prior commitment?" Taylor asked indignantly. I closed my eyes and pulled in a deep breath.

"Joshua Homme asked me to drum on the new Queens record... and I said "yes" Taylor's eyes widened and his mouth was agape. 

"Oh shit..." I heard Dave say.

"I'm gonna have to call you back, man..." Taylor said and ended the call. "How fucking long have you been holding in this little secret?" He growled. I was starting to shake.

"He called me when you were away in Europe and I didn't say "yes" at first, I just told him I'd think about it but... but... " I stumbled.

"Then you said "yes" without even fucking running it by me. Not even so much as that..." He seethed.

"Well, what would have said, Taylor?" I whined.

"FUCK no!" He yelled. I nodded.

"See?! Exactly! I WANT this, baby. He's one of my idols! Imagine if Roger Taylor asked you to make a record with him?!" I cried out.

"Not even fucking CLOSE to the same thing!" He shouted, looking at me with disgust.

"Well, it is to ME! I don't care about Roger the way you do!"

"Oh my God, don't say that, baby!" He exclaimed in shock.

"You know what I mean... Roger just doesn't mean to me what he means to you. Josh doesn't mean to you what he means to me. Is it because he's your peer? Is that what this is about? You don't like your wife looking up to someone you consider a peer?" I questioned gently. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"No... You look up to Dave and I don't care... Jesus! He's fucking doing it again... I don't know how this asshole always does this to me..." Taylor said exasperated.

"Doing what, angel? What has he done?" I asked running my fingers through his hair. He pulled away.

"He took Dave and now he's taking you, the one person I can't do without! It's like it's fucking personal or something!" Taylor yelled kicking the wall. I went over to him and held him close and stroked his face.

"No one is taking me, Taylor. I only belong to you and Ollie. That's it. This is just a little adventure for me, OK? I told you, no more Foo Fighters for me. I told you this..." I whispered. He shook his head and looked away.

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