Chapter 12

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I awoke on the floor. The loud ding of a text bringing me to:

"I'm going to the studio early...see you when you get there. We need to talk."

"So Dave was gone." I thought and slowly crawled up off of the floor. My back was killing me. I went outside and stretched. "I have to have coffee or I will murder kill somebody." I say to myself and let myself into the main house. I put on a pot of coffee then decided to stroll around the house as I waited for it to brew. I found his Grammys on the built in shelves off of the formal living room and held one in my hands. I smiled at it, kissed it, then carefully placed it back on the shelf. I touched each one of them. The pot was done so I poured it into a large travel cup that I found and exited the house. I got dressed in my skinny blue jeans and a white tanktop, black leather moto jacket and black leather ballerina flats. "Not very rock n' roll." I grumble looking down at my shoes. I make sure to pile on the black eyeliner and mascara then waited for Taylor to collect me. I was scrolling through my FB feed when the door slowly opened "knock, knock!" Taylor yelled and let himself in. I sprang up.

"Ready to go!" I say nervously and start toward the door. Taylor gently grabs my arm and pulls me to him.

"Waaait a second, waaaait a second. Is that how you're going to greet me?" He said moving in for a kiss.

"Taylor, we have to go. I don't want to keep everyone waiting." I say annoyed and pull away. His eyes narrow at me.

"What's wrong, sweetie. You seem upset or something." I turn away and he follows to stay in my line of vision.

"Nothing! I just...We need to go!" I exclaim. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Dave was in my head wreaking havoc. Taylor's face saddened. He looked like I killed his puppy. "I'm sorry, sweetie. Come here to me..." I take his face in my hands and kiss him deeply. He smiled and kissed me again, sliding his hands inside the back of my jeans. "Nononononono..." I protest and wiggle away. "That's not happening..."

"Abbyyyyy..." Taylor whines and grabs me by my back pocket and pulls me back into his chest wrapping his arms around me. "Believe me, they can wait..." he mumbles into my neck then slides his hands down the front of my jeans between my legs. I push his hands away and turn to look at him.

"We are going now. Let's. GO." I say sternly. He hunches over with a pained face and begins to pretend cry. "Come on, widdle guy." I say in baby talk, smile and take his hand. "If you're good we'll get ice cream!" I joke and lead him out of the house. Dave was definitely in my head because normally I wouldn't have left this house in any less than two hours having Taylor alone and pawing at me like that. What the fuck was happening to me?!! Oh Jesus, Dave... What the hell was that going to be like? My head hurt just thinking about it.

When Taylor and I arrive everyone is already there. There was an electric energy in the building . There were a lot of new faces flitting about, getting the boys set up and prepped to start recording. I take Taylor's hand and proceed to drag him down the hall into the control room where all the action was. Taylor laughed at my excitement.

"What's up, man! Good to see you!" Taylor exclaims cheerfully and hugs Nick Raskulinecz warmly. Dave and Taylor had told me they were going with Nick and I was stoked. He seemed like such a nice, cool guy and I really liked energy of the albums he made with the Foos. "This is my best friend, Abby. Abby this is Nick." We smiled and said "Hi" and I held my hand out quickly to be returned with a hug instead. I giggled. He was like a teddy bear.

I allowed them to continue shooting the breeze and walked over to Pat and Shifty, leaning down to give them each a peck on the cheek. I searched for Dave. Nothing. Then I heard his booming voice coming down the hallway. My stomach flipped. I was slightly nauseous. Chris and Pat were talking to me about an article they had both just read in the New York Times about Hillary Clinton's email investigation when suddenly Chris stopped talking and stared at me with a concerned look on his face.

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