Chaper 25

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"Happy birthdaaaay!!!" The crowd sang prompted by Dave. I smile and wave, embarrassed by all of the attention. My mind just kept repeating like skipping record, "you're 40, you're 40, you're 40..." I tried to act happy though inside I was a complete train wreck. Dave and I had been trying to conceive for months and months but then every fucking month like clockwork I'd get my period. It was hard having Dave console me while I sat on the toilet sobbing. He loved me so much that the scene wasn't gross to him. He'd just sit there on his knees next to me rocking me in his arms. A real man... After the show, we all went back to the hotel to have drinks and cake with our crew. Everyone was having a great time, even me! I put on a Jackson 5/Michael Jackson playlist that I found on Apple Music and was dancing around with my guys. My heart was full. I love this family... Dave broke away suddenly.

"Hey Beebs!? Could you turn the music down for a minute?!" Dave yelled out. We all groaned. Dave smiled and chuckled "Just for a minute! Geeze!" He walked out of the room soon returning caring what seemed like a vintage case. "Close your eyes, babe!" Dave asks hiding the case behind him. I immediately throw my hands over my eyes, squealing with anticipation.

"David, what did you do...." I ask. He puts his hands on mine lifting them away slowly. His face is sweet and soft staring back at me. I close my eyes and kiss him gently. He stands aside revealing the case on the table. I look up at him then open it. I close my eyes and shake my head. Tears immediately forming in my eyes and streaming down my face. "Is this?" I whisper. Dave's eyes sparkle as he nods.

"Don't ask me how I got it but it's yours now, sweetie... Flip it over." He says and I do.

"He signed it!" I scream. There it was as plain as day- Pete Townshend... I scream again and throw my arms around his neck laughing.

"Now here's the deal! He had a stipulation! He would only sell it to me if you played it! I had to promise!" He yells grinning from ear to ear. I laugh.

"Um, absofuckinglutely!!!" I yell and kiss him hard.

"How the fuck did you get this, Dave?!" I yell, picking it up and holding it out for everyone to see. A Cherry 1969 Gibson SG Special... "Dave?" I question in a deep, serious tone. "Did you have to suck cock for this? I mean, don't get me wrong! I'd suck Pete Townshend's cock too so I'm not judging you!!" I exclaim and everyone howls with laughter. Dave's eyes roll and he makes a silly face.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO ASK!!!" He shouts and we all crack up.

I love him so much it aches...

As Dave and I sat quietly waiting in the doctor's office, I focused on the painting on the wall behind his desk

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As Dave and I sat quietly waiting in the doctor's office, I focused on the painting on the wall behind his desk. It was a contemporary painting of a mother embracing her child. Dave took my hand and squeezed it lifting it to his lips. We were on break again in LA and I was growing more concerned everyday about my not getting pregnant. Dave and I shagged like rabbits. He even started standing me on my head afterword because he saw that in a movie once. Typically, that would just lead to more sex but it was worth a shot. I startled as the doctor finally came in holding our test results in his hand. He sat down and stared at us.

"I have read your results and..." That's all I heard before my ears started to ring. It was a deafening noise. I thought I was going to faint...

***Taylor's POV***

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Shane when I heard a text come in making my pocket buzz. I look at the clock. 9:00. I take my phone out. It was Dave...

"Please come here." Was all it said. I grew concerned. That didn't sound like normal Dave. It sounded desperate...

"Hey buddy? It's late. Time for bed." I said ushering Shane off to his bedroom. I find Allison in her office typing. "Hey... Dave just texted me asking me to come over. I think he really needs me. You mind?" I ask knowing I was going anyway. Just nicer not to fight.

"Of course!" She says and I kiss her cheek then head out.

I pulled up the drive and the house was dark. I have a key so I let myself in. It was so quiet that it was frightening. I put my things on the kitchen counter and slowly walked around.

"Dave?" I whispered searching the living room. I quickly noticed that it was trashed. Lamps and tables knocked over. I stood shocked and a little scared.

"Out here..." I hear him say though it barely sounds like him at all. I finally am able to focus my eyes in the dark and notice his figure seated outside on the patio. I approach him and he doesn't look at me. He's holding a almost completely empty bottle of Crown and smoking a cigarette. Something he hasn't done in a long time. I sit across from him and stare.

"What happened, Dave? Where's Abby?" I question. He finally makes eye contact with me and frowns, lip trembling. He was gonna cry...

"Upstairs. In our room." He whispers, tears streaming down his face.

"What happened???" I whine with concern.

"It's me." He says, voice and eyes dead.

"What about you?"

"I can't give her a baby..." He says biting his lip then taking a swig from his bottle. Shocked, I sit back straight running my hands through my hair.

"How is that even possible? You already have three kids?!" I whine, growing agitated. He frowns and shrugs, shaking his head.

"No idea... Could be a million things, he said... Not that uncommon, I guess..." He said then stared into my eyes, his filled with desperation.
"It's all she's ever wanted and I can't give it to her." He whispers, choking back tears. I lean forward and put my hand on the back of his neck as he sobbed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It's so unlike him.

"Don't give up, D... Just keep trying... It might be stress!" I said comforting him.

"She's 40, Taylor. Her time is running out..." He says staring into space. "You love Abby, don't you, T?" He whispers. I slowly nod.

"Of course I do." I sigh.

"And you love me too, right?" He questions again and I snicker.

"You know I do. You're my brother." I smile.

"Help me then." He whispers. I stare back confused.

"How?" I ask. Dave looks at me with a barely detectable smile on his lips.

"Give us a baby." He whispers eyes serious.

"Dave..." I start, shocked.

"You love us." Dave whispered back.

"Does Abby know you're asking me this?" I question, head reeling.

"No..." He whispers.

"Then how do you..."

"Please go to her." He cuts me off. I let out a deep breath and slowly get up. I grab Dave's shoulder as I pass him. I slowly walk up the stairs and peek into their room. Moonlight is flooding the room and Abby is sitting on the far side of the bed staring out the window. I walk in slowly and stand in front of her, I take her tear stained face in my hand as she looks up at me. I trace her lips slowly with my thumb and she closes her eyes and kisses it. She looks at me again.

"Dave sent you, didn't he?" She whispers. I nod in response. "Oh Taylor..." She cries and kiss her pulling on her chin to open her mouth, our tongues soon becoming entwined. I break away and lift her dress over her head. She has nothing else on. She stares up at me as she undoes my board shorts, letting them fall to the floor then pulls up my shirt to rub my stomach. She lays back and I take my shirt off then grab a pillow from the bed and lift her legs, nestling it behind her lower back. She throws her head back as I run both hands down her neck, stopping to caress her breasts then down her thighs. I slide inside of her and moan. I loved the feel of how tight she was. I rested her legs on my shoulders, staring at her heaving chest as I steadily slid in and out of her. I look up and Dave is leaning in the doorway watching, I look back down. He walks in and lays down on his stomach, kissing her from above then kisses her breasts then back to her lips. Never stopping.

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