Chapter 35

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Taylor and I flew my mom to LA for Thanksgiving and we spent it with his family in Laguna. Allison took Thanksgiving but we would have Christmas Eve which everyone knows is more fun than Christmas anyway. Thankfully, our mothers got along like sisters. I did most of the cooking. I love doing it and, yes, that little old fashioned part of me wanted to show his mom that I knew how to take care of her son. I made them all a very traditional, Southern Thanksgiving meal in such a Southern Californian city. Luckily for me they were originally from Texas or else they probably would've rejected it completely. It was a hit and I loved Taylor's family as if they were my very own. After my dad passed, it felt like everyone went with him and it was lonely. Being here and having Taylor and our baby made life full again and I was so grateful. Thankful, if you will... After dinner, Taylor's mom dragged out the old home movies. I almost cried he was so adorable...

After that I pulled Taylor into his childhood bedroom to make out. God, pregnancy hormones are, like, unbelieveable.

"I like it in here..." I said poking around at his things and looking at his posters and old concert tickets. The room was like a vault, completely untouched. Almost as if she left it as a shrine to him. He laid back on his bed and watched me as I strolled around. I walked over and crawled on top of him. "Makes me feel like a horny teenager!" I laughed leaning down to kiss him.

"Oh yeah?" He smiled, rubbing my hips. "Wanna' do it with me in here..." He asked waggling his eyebrows then kissing me. I pulled away and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Ever had another girl in here?" I questioned. He smiled then searched his memories then scrunched his face.

"I dunno..." He joked, a huge grin creeping across his face. I leaned in, our lips almost touching.

"Well, let's see if I can give you a more lasting memory..." I said before pulling his pants off and having the most amazing SILENT sex ever! We literally held our hands over each other's mouths. It was kind of hysterical, really. When we joined everyone again his brother stared him down.

"Mom! Taylor had sex!" He laughed then braced himself.

"Shut UP, Jason!" He yelled, pummeling his brother

"YOU TWO QUIT IT!" Taylor's mom yelled wrapping her arms around Taylor's waist trying to get him off of his brother. Jason continued to laugh hysterically. I turned to their sister, Heather, with a smile.

"I love it here..." I swooned.


When we returned from Laguna we restarted our packing. Luckily, between the two of us, we didn't have a ton of stuff. Him more than me, obviously. We went over to Allison's when we knew no one would be there and did a lot of packing with a crew of movers. The biggest part was taking apart and moving his home studio. I felt terrible because he wouldn't let me do anything. If it was heavier than a dictionary I'd get the death look and the "DON'T!" He was worried because we had been told that I would probably be put on bed rest in the last month of my pregnancy. Getting old is fucking greaaat...

"That's pretty much everything..." Taylor stated while wrapping up the last of his music photos. I wrapped myself around him.

"Are you OK, angel?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm OK. It's a little sad but I'll be fine." He said turning to wrap me in his arms. "I can't wait to be in our new home. I say we christen that bad boy ASAP!" He joked burying his face in my neck. I laughed.

"Where should we start?" I smiled.

"Smooth hard surfaces." We both laughed.

"Pool?" I questioned.

"Oh, dude! No one's gonna' want to go in that fucking pool when we're done with it. Thank God, for fucking chlorine!" He joked as we walked out.

"Oh, that poor poor pool..." I said shaking my head slowly. Taylor nodded.

"Didn't even have a chance..." He eulogized sending us into hysterics. We heard a door open in the house and looked at each other knowing that all the movers had gone. He took my hand and we walked toward the kitchen. "Hey Al, what are you doing here? Jesus! Please don't tell me the kids are here..." He asked a look of fear creeping into his eyes. She put her groceries down and stared at him with a total look of disgust.

"No, they're not fucking here! What kind of mother do you think I am?!" She snapped then stared at me then my tummy. She glared at me. "Wonder what kind of mother YOU'LL be..." She scoffed. I felt my face heat up...

"Don't you ever ask me what kind of mother I'll be..." I snarled. I understood her anger toward me over Taylor but I wouldn't stand for anything else. Our baby was off limits. She backed down.

"If you're done, leave." She growled going through her grocery bags.

"Don't have to fuckin' tell me twice..." Taylor growled and pulled me out of the kitchen and through the house with gusto. We got in my car; a pitch black, Mustang Shelby GT350R. It was my dream car. It was so fast... I immediately started to sob.

"What kind of mother drives a car like this?" I cried. Taylor tried not to laugh and pulled me into him.

"Awwwhawhaw... Baby?! A fucking COOL one, that's who!" He laughed and I continued to cry. He leaned his head against mine and rubbed my back. "Please don't let her get under your skin, sweetheart. She's just hurt right now." He whispered trying to soothe me. I nodded and pulled away, wiping at my tears.

"I know..." I said and cranked the engine. It roared. I looked over at Taylor and we both smiled.

"Maybe just, like, an SUV or somethin'." He joked and I peeled off for the last time. Say goodbye to Shelby girl.



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