Chapter 23

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Dave came through the door to the the garage in a huff and slammed it behind him. I jumped in my chair where I had been reading. Clearly he was upset. Jordyn had that way about her when it came to us. He looked around and eyed me in the living room. He walked over to me like a man possessed and dropped to his knees in front of me then grabbed my face, kissing me hard and deep. I dropped my iPad and put my hands on the back of his neck and head. He pulled away from me, breathing heavily and stared at me.

"I want to fuck you." He breathed. I nodded and he began to kiss me again. I could barely breathe. He helped me stand up and we hungrily clawed at each other, bumping into everything, I heard the floor lamp crash to the floor as we tried to make it to the stairs. I break away, chest heaving, crawling up the stairs on my hands and and knees. He grabs my ankle, pulling me down to him then grabbed my hips, holding me in place. He threw my skirt up to my waist and pulled my panties down to my knees. I could hear him ripping at his belt and unzipping his pants, his arm was around my waist pressing me to him. I could feel how hard he was then he grabbed my hair in a ponytail and pulled my head back as he entered me. I moaned. He bent forward to whisper in my ear.

"I'm going to fuck you hard, OK?" He said, his voice shaking and his his breath hot.

"OK..." I whisper back and he lets go of my hair.

We were made for eachother...


I awoke with a startle as Dave's phone buzzed hard on our nightstand. Dave groaned unwrapping his naked body from me.

"What time is it?" He groans. I grab his phone.

"It's 9:30 am." I whisper. We'd had a long night...

"It's Bill Warren, my divorce attorney..." He says and immediately picks up, greeting him groggily. I sit up and straddle him. He smiles at me listening to him speak. Suddenly, his eyes shoot open wide and he sits up straight, him inches from my face now. "Uh huh... OK... Yes, I agree to that, absolutely... When will I get the papers? I'll be away on tour but you can send them over to Silva's assistant, Jennifer, OK? Holy fuck, Bill, this is the best news. Thank you so much, man. Alright. You too! Bye!" Dave hangs up and throws his phone across the room.

"Good news???" I laugh. He hugs me tight.

"She gave up! She fucking called them first thing this morning and said she wanted it wrapped up ASAP and that she'd take cash instead of the company!" He exclaimed squeezing me and jostling me around on his lap.

"I'M DA' CAPTAIN NOW!" I yell doing my best Somali pirate impression, making us both laugh hysterically. He kisses me quickly.

"This deserves a celebration!" Dave yells back. I tilt my head and put my hands on my hips.

"No anal, Dave." I joke with a serious face making him fall back in hysterics. I wave my hand at him playfully "Naaaaw! I'm just kiddin'! Bend over." He throws his head back onto his pillow, barely able to breathe and pulls me down on top of him, embracing me tightly, breathing me in.

"We can be a family now." He whispers.

"You already are my family." I whisper back.

"I know... I just love you so much; I want to give you everything. Now, I really feel like I can start."

"I can't imagine what more you could give me..."

"A child?" He says. I stare up at him.  "Our child." My bottom lip starts to tremble and I smile as tears stream down my face. I nod.

"I'll stop taking my birth control." I smile. He nods. My face saddens, "What if I can't?"

"What do you mean?" He says.

"Nevermind." I look away, wiping away my tears. He presses my head to his chest and squeezes me.

"We'll see a doctor if we have to." He whispers, rocking me.

"OK..." I whisper back. "If nothing else, we'll have fun trying! We already know we're good at that part." I say trying to lighten the mood. He smiles big and chuckles.

"Hell YES, we are!" He laughs raising his hand to give him a high five. I smile and sit back up, looking down upon him. My hair dark and wild around my face.

"Practise makes perfect..."

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