Chapter 31

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Once Dave and I returned, things were better but not perfect. I felt like he was trying hard to forgive and forget but his actions were not congruent with his words. To be honest, I felt it most when we made love... It wasn't always nice and it even hurt sometimes and not in that sexy, good way. More like he was making me pay in some weird way. Trying to fuck Taylor out of my vocabulary or something but that would never happen. Taylor is my best friend and nothing will ever change that. I let it go even though I shouldn't have. I was trying so hard to make peace between us. I just wasn't sure if it was actually working. I stayed away from the Vultures studio sessions. I knew Joshua and I would flirt and I didn't want to start any kind of beef between them. I felt like every move I made or word I said was being highly scrutinized. Dave left for the studio around 11:00 am this morning so I decided to tidy up and clean the girls' rooms since they would be back with us on Friday. As I strolled the house, I heard my phone ring. I smiled.

"Hi!" I said excitedly.

"Hi, to you!" Taylor exclaimed. I could hear his smile. "Guess what I'm doiiiing...?" He teased.

"What?! Tell me!" I laughed

"Me and the Coattails are recording a record! We start tomorrow!" He beamed. I let out a squeal.

"YES! Oh ma gah, Taylor. THAT is a-maaazing!" I joke in my valley girl voice. He cackles.

"Come over! Help me produce, pleeeeease..." He whined. I laughed.

"Oh my goodness, it is so much fun to hear you beg..." We both laughed.

"Don't..." He joked in a serious voice.

"" I stumbled.

"You were about to say "sure" why did you stop?" He asked. I sighed.

"I'm not sure if Dave will approve..." I admitted. I was embarrassed. I made it nearly 40 years having to answer to no one and now I felt the weight of it on me.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't Dave "approve"?" He said indignantly. "He's not even your fucking husband!" Taylor whined. I suddenly felt the urge to cry but sniffed it back and composed myself.

"T? T? Settle down, OK? I...I'll be there! When?" I say trying to appear enthusiastic. His mood immediately changes.

"Tomorrow! We're going to start around 11:00! You promise you'll be there?" Taylor asked sweetly.

"Of course I will." I say with a smile.

"Rad. I can't wait to see you!" He beamed.

"Me either." I laugh then we both said our good-byes. My stomach immediately rose into my throat.


The next day I arose around 7:30 to make coffee, of which thank GOD I had gotten over my aversion, and to read my iPad in silence. Dave and I had, once again, an "interesting" evening. I was slightly becoming numb to it which I knew was not a good thing. He was working through his emotions the only way he seemed to know how. Unfortunately, his jealousy and unhappiness were all now connected to our sex life, something both of us had once been very, VERY fond of... I knew it would pass and I knew I had to talk to him about it but I didn't want to rock the boat right now especially since I was going to be helping Taylor with his record. Dave roused around 8:00 enjoying his tiny bit of extra sleep before he had the girls in a few days. He yawned loudly and stretched his arms out wide and kissed the top of my head as he passed me.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I said watching him bump a counter top on his way into the kitchen. He let out a "ow!"and I giggled. "Who put that thing there?!" I joked and he snickered as he poured himself a cup.

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