Chapter 58

313 11 7

5 Weeks Apart...

Taylor's POV

I watched her every night... The night before she left I videotaped her completely naked and just scanned her entire body... I didn't miss an inch... Then the lovemaking... then the song but that was an accident. A happy, happy accident. I thought I'd turned it off...

"I love you so much, angel..." She whispered, trying to catch her breath.

"I love you more." My standard reply to her. She shook her head with a little smile.

"Sing to me..." She whispered as I hovered over her in awe of her beauty. I smiled.

"Sing to you?" I questioned. She nodded, sleepy from hours of our saying goodbye.

"Put your lips to my ear and sing to me. I want to hear you every time I close my eyes..." She sighed. I smiled a little and nodded. I rolled her to her side which faced the camera and wrapped myself around her.

"What do you want to hear?" I asked, rubbing her arm and thigh gently. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"You know what I want to hear..." She whispered. I snickered a little and nodded. As gently as I could, I rocked her and sang her favorite...

Open up your mind and let me step inside
Rest your weary head and let your heart decide
It's so easy
When you know the rules
It's so easy,
All you have to do
Is fall in love
Play the game,
Everybody play the game of love
When you're feeling down and your resistance is low
Light another cigarette and let yourself go
This is your life
Don't play hard to get
It's a free, free world
All you have to do is fall in love
Play the game,
Everybody play the game of love
My game of love has just begun
Love runs from my head down to my toes
My love is pumping through my veins
Driving me insane
Come, come, come play the game, play the game, play the game, play the game
Everybody play the game of love...

Off to dreamland she went...

"I'm going to miss you more than you'll ever know..."


My depression was taking over... something I hadn't felt in years and I've been through some dark shit... I was scared and lonely. I missed both of my babies... Skype just doesn't cut it. It just doesn't. I sat in our room and I hugged her pillow breathing her in. I refused to clean the sheets even. I had to stay home to finish our record and start marketing it and, of course, also for Shane, Annie and Alex, so I couldn't jet off to be with her like I wanted. Allison was being a royal, fucking bitch and a half and wouldn't let me take them to see her because "they were in school and couldn't miss any of it!" They're in fucking elementary school and middle school, give me a fucking break...The guys were finishing up the final mix on our record now and I hadn't really showed up for the last part of it like I normally do. Leaving the house just didn't seem appealing. Not even to ride... I was so afraid I'd miss a call. Dave had called me this afternoon begging me to come to the studio tonight to work on the final mix but I refused...

"HELLO?!?!" I heard him calling from downstairs. Before I knew it I heard his footsteps down the hall. It was dark in the house but I would know that voice and those footsteps anywhere. Dave...

"Hey..." I mumbled, face buried in her pillow. Dave glanced up at the TV and flinched turning away.

"JESUS CHRIST, TAYLOR!? Where's your fuckin' remote I need to turn your TV off!" Dave yelled, panicked. I barely lifted my head up and handed it to him. Ge snatched it away quickly,

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