Chapter 47

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Taylor and I finally arrived me in white skinny jeans, white Motörhead t-shirt (which I stole from Dave long ago and diced up) and white hi-top Chucks and him in white board shorts and a black Chevy Metal T. We were totally laid and comfortable. Finally, all was right in the world again. Everyone was eating and milling about having a good time. Disco music was playing through the P.A. and the kids were dancing around like lunatics. 

"Abby?! What do you have on?! This is your wedding day!" My mom yelled at me. I smiled at her.

"This is me... Look?! I still have on white! In reality, I should be wearing pitch black like Morticia Addams. I am the furthest away from a virginal bride..." I joked, making crazy eyes at Mom. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh Abby! Stop being crude!" Mom said exasperated. I grabbed her face.

"Whadda' ya' think took us so long, MOOOM!" I laughed and pulled her in for a hug.

"Who is this person that I raised? You used to be so sweet..." She sighed. I turned and pointed across the room at Taylor. 

"Thank him. He brings out the best in me!" I laughed. Taylor noticed me pointing at him and smiled. I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"What's she saying about me?!" Taylor yelled over at us. I laughed.

"Ohhh! Just what a good influence you are on me!" I laughed. He came over and kissed my mom then wrapped himself around me. Just then Taylor and I stopped talking when we saw little Shane take the microphone. We looked at eachother and smiled.

"Dad said I have to give a speech so here it is..." He said flatly, clearly terrified. He took a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and held it in front of his face. "Congratulations to Dad and Abby. Dad, you are my best friend and I love you very much and Abby, you make us and our daddy so happy and have given me the brother I always wanted..." He looks over at Dave who's grinning huge "TO BEAT UP!" Shane cackled. He was cracking himself up. Everyone got a good laugh. Brittany, Karen, Lee and Gia all got up and gave short speeches as well as Dave and Taylor's mother. Shortly after the speeches were over, Marjorie came over with the children and said she was taking them home. Taylor and I kissed everyone goodbye and they headed out. Then it turned into a mass exodus of children with nannies. Jesus, could this get more Hollywood? 

"Hey? Where's the band you clearly hired?" Taylor inquired, brow furrowed. Everything was set up already. I grinned at him.

"Oh riiiight... I got my favorite wedding band! It wasn't easy either... Where in the hell... Hey! Wiley?! What the fuck, dude" I yelled over the crowd. He smiled big. "Oh, don't worry... You don't have to work tonight. I have very good backup for you. If you want to play, play but I fully expect you to be groping me throughout this evening so don't get comfortable up there if you do!" I laughed. He kissed my cheek.

"OK! I'll only play if you do though..." He said giving me a sly smile. I winked at him.

"Oh, that is DEFINITELY happening! I already feel myself getting buzzed... HA!" He shook his head at me.

"DON'T! I have soooo many plans for us later..."He said pulling me against him roughly. I jokingly pouted at him.

"Don't hurt me, Taylor... I'm a motherrr!" I said in a jokey voice. He laughed.

"I KNOW! It turns me ON, MILF!" He yelled and laughed at me.

"Alright, DILF, let's get this fucking party started." I grabbed his hand and we got in front of mic. "Hello, HELLO!" I started and everyone clapped and cheered. Everyone was in their street clothes and feeling loose and happy. "Taylor and I would first like to say "thank you" to everyone for being here with us on our special day. We love you all very much! You all have given us so much love and friendship over the course of both of our lives, there's no way to to repay you all. HOWever, I do have a present for you... Taylor?" Wiley, Mick and Dave all came up on stage and assumed their positions. 

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