Chapter 59

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Lollapalooza, São Paulo, Brazil

I'd been throwing up all morning anticipating the Foo's arrival. Taylor had handed my ass to me over the phone after the way I left things then wouldn't take my calls for a week and a half. When he finally did all we did was cry with each other. It was hard... The Foo Fighters decided to play Lollapalooza sort of as a warmup to their world tour that was about to commence. Leave it to Dave to choose a massive audience like this as a "warmup"...  They had just released their new record to great, critical acclaim and everything was ramping up. Britt had had the baby while I was in God-knows-where and was coming too. I couldn't wait to see them. David Eric Grohl, Jr.. They called him Eric. He was beautiful... My phone rang.

"We're here, baby, where are you?" Taylor asked frantically. 

"You are?! Oh my God... You just... Just stay where you are and I'll come to you!" I replied back equally as frantic. "Are you at the hotel?"

"Yeah, we just got here... Fuck off, Dave!" He yelled with a cackling Dave in the background.

"I'm just down the street! I will be right down!" I exclaimed and ran out of my hotel room in my PJs and flip flops. Dean caught me in the hall and grabbed me laughing.

"Um, where are you going like that?" He laughed. I looked down at my oversized Fox t-shirt that I stole from Taylor's hamper before I left and no bra, no pants, just underwear and rubber flip flops...

"Uh... I guess I should change..." I said dazed and let myself back into my room. I put a bra on and yoga pants then stormed back out of my room, calling our car to get me as I was in the elevator. I would've walked but a woman walking alone down here is not a great idea so I opted to play it safe. I got to the Marriott which was SO luxurious and beautiful and took out my phone. Everyone was staring at me. I realized that I hadn't even brushed my hair... Security was eyeing me pretty good... He answered. "I'm here! I'm in the lobby! Come and get me, baby !" He laughed.

"Ohhh... I AM!" He laughed and hung up. I waited impatiently, smiling at the gawkers. I tapped on the piano keys that was setting right in the middle of the lobby floor then turned as I heard pounding footsteps on the marble floors behind me. He grabbed me and lifted me up.

"Oh, baby! Oh my God!" I cried clutching him tightly. The piano banged loudly as I fell back hard on the keys drawing even more stares as we made-out like lunatics, hands down the back of each other's pants, none the less... 

"Jesus, you two! Break it up! BREAK IT UP!" I heard Dave yell trying to pull Taylor off of me then I heard Brittany laugh behind him. We pulled away from each heaving like animals, giving each other the "when we finally have sex, I'm not sure if one of us is going to make it out alive" stare. We finally sort of came to our senses, still shaking a little. Brittany smiled and walked over to me, cradling her little angel.

"Are you OK now? Can you hold Eric?" She laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. I pouted and nodded, holding out my arms.

"Oh my goodness, look at you, sweetheart..." I whispered to him. I looked up at Dave who was smiling sweetly. "Daddy's little angel..." He nodded in response. Taylor came up behind me and wrapped himself around me then rested his chin on my shoulder. Dave flinched like he was ready to beat Taylor to death.

"It's fine, Daaaave..." Taylor joked and made a face at him. I had a strange wave of nausea come over me and quickly handed Eric back to Brittany.

"You OK, baby? I figured you'd want to hold him for at LEAST an hour!" Taylor joked coming around and holding my face in his hands. I felt it again and pulled away quickly running toward a garbage can near the lobby restrooms. Taylor ran up and grabbed my hair, holding it behind me as I vomited. It passed and I came back up, wiping at my mouth with the back of my hand. "Pooh bear, what the heck? Are you OK, sweetie?" He asked, face full of worry. I smiled, shaking my head. Brittany stood back clutching Eric to her, I could tell she was scared that I might actually be ill. 

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