Chapter 22

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I stormed out of Jordyn's room. My brain was working a mile a minute. I jogged to our room bumping into Taylor coming back from his ride.

"Abby! What's wrong?" he asks concerned, leaning his bike against the hallway wall.

"I need to find Dave." I say breathless and fling open the door. "DAVE!" I call out without entering. No reply. Taylor grabs my hand as I begin to run toward the elevator.

"What is wrong, Abby?!" He asks again. I shake him off.

"I NEED DAVE!" I yell back and decide the elevator is too slow so I take the stairs. I finally hit the ground door and forcefully push it open. I race walk toward the spa. I look through the window and spy them. They're all giggling and he has Phee on his lap. I enter slowly, trying to compose myself before I saw the girls. I approach.

"Hiiii, my beauties!" I exclaim with a big smile and Phee jumps off of Dave's lap and she holds her arms up to me and I pick her up, I hug her tight. Dave looks at me through narrowed eyes.

"Hi, Baba!" Harper and Violet say back in unison. They were both having pedicures.

"Went mani AND pedi, huh?!" I say then bend down to gently kiss Dave who's still seated. He opens his eyes and stares into mine. He looks like he's searching for answers in them. I smile and caress the side of his face with my hand. His face grows concerned.

"You OK, Baba?" Dave asks, voice serious. "You look a little pale..." My eyes well up with tears but I hold them back and smile at Phee.

"I'm OK, daddy..." I whisper and kiss her forehead. His face grows more concerned.

"All done, ladies!" the manicurists say and help the girls put on their flip flops and down from their chairs.

"Thank you!" We all call out and exit the salon. Dave has Violet and Harper's hands as we stroll down the hall.

"Hey guys? How 'bout we go back to the room for a little while before we drive to Orlando? Maybe watch a movie? Get some room service?" Dave suggests and they all agree happily. We get off of the elevator and Jordyn is waiting with her luggage. We glare at each other for a moment before she acknowledges Dave and the girls.

"Give me hugs! I'm on my way to the airport. I reluctantly let go of Phee and hand her over while Violet and Harper throw their arms around her waist. "Be good for daddy..."

"And Abby..." Dave cuts in. She smiles a fake smile and nods.

"Aaaand Abby... and I'll see you in a few days!" She says then, out of nowhere, kisses Dave. Shocked, his head jerks back and he stares at her like she's crazy. She laughs. "See you all Wednesday!" She exclaims and entered the elevator. I stare at her and she chuckles and puts her sunglasses on as the doors closed. The girls are running ahead and I put Phee down to join them. Dave wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand.

"What the fuck was that?!" He whispers to me. I draw in a deep breath then let it out with a sigh.

"You have no idea..." I say. "I have a LOT to tell you, boy..." His eyes grow large and he swipes the key card letting everyone into the suite. The girls run in and jump on the sofa Violet getting to the remote first. Harper cries out trying to grab it from her hands. Dave quickly remedies the situation by taking it himself and turning on the TV. He finds Zootopia on the pay channel and they cheer. He grabs the phone and orders food for everyone, checks on them one last time then motions me into our bedroom.

"What the hell, Abby? What's goin' on?" He whispers, face filled with confusion.

"I confronted her..." I start, jaw clenched.

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