Chapter 7

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"You know what I think?" Dave started "you say you've always wanted to play the drums, right?" It was the next evening and we had returned from the studio about an hour ago. Dave, Taylor and I were sitting outside drinking wine around Dave's fire pit. Dave and Taylor were both messing with acoustic guitars as I looked on.
"Yeah, I always wanted to play drums but my parents always said no. Dad bought me a 6 string Yamaha for Christmas when I was 17. I think I can count on both of my hands how many times I touched it... I still have it though!" I say choking back tears. My father died suddenly of a heart attack 15 years ago. I've never gotten over it, fully. I guess you never do...
"Well, you're old like us now and can do what-e-ver the fuck you want now. You say your neighbor is literally deaf AND you have a spare bedroom! Fuck it, I am sending you a kit. I've got like a MILLION kits and I am sending one out to you. Period." He says and I smile big and look at Taylor with wide eyes. He giggles.
"I think she'd rather have my kick drum with my dumb face on it that says "douche." He laughs, grabbing my knee.
"Well duuuh, Taylor. We all want that one! I will FIGHT YOU before you get that set, girl!" Dave pretends like he's getting up to fight me.
"I would kick your motherfuckin' ASS, booooy!" I said getting in his face. I smiled, winked at him and booped his nose with my finger then kissed it. He smiled and blushed. We all laughed.
"Seriously, get those lessons. I want to see progress next time I see you..." He said seriously and went back to his guitar.
"You know what else I think you should do?" Taylor starts looking down at his guitar as he strummed it. "Move here to LA." I looked over at him and his face was very serious.
"Yeah right..." I said softly staring into the fire.
"I think you deserve a change of scenery, babe. I do!" He exclaimed and laid his guitar down. Dave stopped playing and watched. Taylor kneeled down in front of me, taking my hands.
"You've been taking care of your mom for 15 years while your sister has done anything she wanted and lived anywhere she felt like living! It's your fucking turn to live!" Taylor exclaimed. He was serious. He almost seemed upset. I took away one of my hands and stroked his hair trying to soothe him. My brow crinkled.
"I don't disagree with your assessment, T, it's just... Like, I don't have the kind of money it would take to find a place out here and then there's work which I would have to have immediately..." Taylor cuts in quickly.
"Dave?! She can stay here until she finds her own place, right?"
"Fine by me." Dave keeps strumming "it's pretty much just me here. It's nice to have you around." He smiled.
"I could pay you rent!" I say.
"Psssffff!!! No. You won't." He says "I don't need it or want it. Save it." He's being very casual, I think. Unlike Taylor and I who are kind of freaking out at the reality that is unfolding in front of us. We're getting excited!
"I need a job though..." I whine
"Jesus Christ, Ab. You've been a paralegal for 16 years! They will be begging you to work for them! You say your bosses are old money, Harvard Law dudes. I bet they have contacts out here. Shit. Dave call our lawyer tomorrow and put the word out." He directs. Dave nods hard but continues to play. I jump up and so does Taylor.
"Oh my god, Taylor...I'm going to do this!" I exclaim and throw my arms around him squeezing him tight, almost able to lift him up, which soon turns into me pretend dry-humping Taylor like a dog and Taylor crying with laughter. We were all laughing so hard we could barely breathe.
"Down, Abby! Down!" Dave shouts pulling me off of Taylor. He all fall into our chairs in hysterics and toast the future. I can't wait...

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