Chapter 11

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The next morning I awoke early still on Florida time. I'd have to end this time difference  sleep issue somehow but it wasn't happening today, clearly. I looked at my phone and it read 4:00 am. "Damn iiiit..." I whined to myself and walked out to the pool with my acoustic guitar in hand. I sat on one of the upright chairs and began to pluck out "My Hero" as gently as I could. Before I knew it I wasn't playing very quietly but Dave's home was set on a large piece of land and no one seemed to care.
"Whoa!" He exclaimed. I was startled. It was Dave standing at the patio door groggy.
"Oh Jesus!" I said heart pounding. "Sorry. You scared me..." I said clutching my chest.
"What the fu- when did this happen?!" He said excitedly and quickly walked over to where I was sitting. I smiled shyly looking down.
"It happened while I was learning the drums" I said quietly.
"Well, holy shit!" He cried and sat down in a chair across from me.
"I'm not that good..." I said shaking my head and finally looking him in the eye.
"Bullshit you're not." He said seriously then looking me in the eyes said "what else of ours do you know?" I smiled and retorted
"What do you want to hear?" He smiled.
"What. Do. You. Know?" He said slowly. I stared him down with a smile.
"What. Do. You. Want. To. Hear?" I replied. He smiled back.
"You are a woman with many secrets, aren't you?"
"You have no idea." I say seriously then begin to play "Let It Die." He sits back in his chair in complete wonderment. We sit like this for awhile and he just quietly listens. His face suddenly turned serious.
"Are you and Taylor sleeping with each other?" He asks seriously. I stop playing.
"Would you be mad if I said "yes?" I say quietly.
"Yeah. Sort of." He starts running his hands through his hair then down his chin. "Do you remember sitting out here and telling me about the affair you had before? Do you remember telling me how it almost destroyed you?" He said leaning forward and taking my right hand. "Because I'll never forget it." I snatch my hand back.
"This is different." I say, voice dark.
"How?" He asks sternly.
"Taylor actually fucking loves me." I snap. He sucks in a deep breath and slowly lets it out.
"Well, let me just ask you this... Where is Taylor right now?" I sucked in a breath and looked back down. "Lying in bed next to Allison and getting up shortly to feed his three children." He said gently. He wasn't trying to hurt me but voice the truth. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away and stood up.
"I'll be in your drum room." I said sharply and walked toward the main house. Dave cursed to himself and held his face in his hands. He perked back up and started after me, catching up quickly and putting himself in front of the door.
"What if you're missing something great that is right in front you because you're too busy waiting for Taylor." He said. His eyes seemed sad and his mouth was in a slight frown.
"Dave..." I started and before I knew it he kissed me gently on the lips. It was like he sucked the breath right out of me. I realized I was kissing him back when I pulled away quickly. I stared at him shocked.
"Why would you do this to your best friend." I mumbled. I wanted to cry.
"He's married, Abby..." He says gently.
"I love him." I say, voice cracking. Tears stream again.
"Sweetie..." He whispers and puts his hand on my cheek; caressing it gently with his thumb. I close my eyes my head feeling heavy in his hand. He leans in to kiss me again and I don't stop him. I pull away again.
"I have to go now." I say quietly and walk back to the pool house. I shut the door behind me and lock it. I slid down the door and to the ground and began to sob, my thoughts racing. Why was Dave doing this to me? Why?! Does he actually have feelings for me or was he protecting Taylor from me? Oh god, oh god... Taylor...

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