Chapter 39

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I felt Taylor's beard on my cheek and his tongue in my ear as my brain started to wake up. I knew it had to be early. I didn't open my eyes but a grin spread across my face.

"Merry Christmas..." He whispered in my ear from behind me and started kissing my neck and slid his hands underneath my nightgown, over my bump and massaged my breasts. I moaned.

"Merry Christmas, baby..." I whispered back. He slid my nightgown over my head and he pulled my hair back onto my pillow and kissed and sucked on my neck and shoulder. He slid his hand down the front of me then between my legs...

"You're definitely ready for me..." He breathed. I nodded and pleaded with him. He slid inside of me and circled my clit with his fingers. I felt his breath so hot on my neck and I breathed his name over and over as he thrust against me. "I love you... God, I love you..." He panted into my ear. I cried as I felt my body shaking and he intensified his pace. I heard him cursing under his breath. I thought I would burst. I cried his name.

"Taylor!  I'm cumming! Oh god! Oh god!" I pleaded. He gasped against my shoulder. I could feel the warmth of him inside me. I leaned my head back against his and fought for air. We were frozen like this for awhile then I felt him shift a bit behind me then curled up into me again, holding me tightly. I felt him stretch his arm out. Our breathing had begun to steady.

"Open your eyes, love..." He whispered in my ear. I slowly opened them and blinked to focus. That's when I saw it... I immediately covered my mouth and began to sob. I could feel his tears running through  my hair and down my scalp. I turned over to face him and kiss his face. He put the ring between us then kissed it. I tucked his hair behind his ear as began to speak. "Abigail... I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love you. I used to think I knew what that felt like until I met you... God, you make my life... I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I need you like I need air..." We both were crying and I was stroking his hair. "Will you please marry me, Abby?" I let out a sob then nodded. He smiled through his tears and took my hand gently and slipped on the beautiful, sparkling ring. He wiped at my face then we hugged each other so tight I thought we might break each other. We finally let each other go and I held my hand out in front of me and smiled. My heart was swollen with love.

"You make me the happiest woman on this earth, you know that? Do you really know how much I love you..." I say laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me wrested his chin on my head.

"If it's a quarter as much as I love you, I'd still be a lucky man..." He whispered.

"I wish we could stay like this all day..." I fantasized.

"We could." He said with a sigh. I snickered.

"I wish... We have guests and children to see off..." I whispered and stared at the ring again. "Should I take it off before the children see it?" I asked. He looked at me with shock.

"No! That's never leaving your hand ever!" He said indignantly. I rubbed his chest to soothe him.

"I was only asking, angel... Don't get upset... I just wasn't sure how you wanted to handle them or Allison, that's all..." I said sweetly and ran my hand over his stomach. He settled down.

"We're just going to tell them..." He said with a shrug. I sat up on my elbow so I could look at him.

"Taylor... I don't think that's a great idea, honey. We have to be gentle. Maybe when we have them next? That way we can sit them down and talk to them properly. Shane will not take this well..." I trailed off and he nodded in agreement. "We should tell Allison first, I think. That way she knows what to expect from the children. How to handle it."

"OK. You're right. Of course you're right... You always think of everyone else first..." He said and ran his fingers through my hair. I shook my head.

"I'm not taking it off though..." I smiled and winked at him. "They probably won't notice being all sleepy..." I said noticing the clock. 7:00 am. Taylor let out a loud laugh.

"Baby? That thing is 7 carats! It shines like the fucking sun!" He laughed and tickled me.

"Whaaaateverrrr! It's not comin' off!" I laughed and I pulled away from him and got up to put my nightgown and panties back on. I wrapped myself in a robe then bent over to kiss him one last time. "I'll stick my hands in my pockets." I whispered then winked at him. "Time to wake the babies..." I said leaving the room then shoved my hands in my robe pockets.

I went to Shane's room first because I knew he's be the most difficult to get up

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I went to Shane's room first because I knew he's be the most difficult to get up. He looooves his sleep. He whined and put his pillow on his head.

"Don't forget that Santa visited Mommy last night..." I teased and he shot up. I then went to the girls room. Alex was on the floor playing with the doll that I gave her. I knelt down to kiss her head "Good morning, sweet girl..." I said to her then leaned on Annie's bed to gently wake her. "Gotta' go see what Santa left at Mommy's... She has a whole special breakfast planned for you too!" I whispered enthusiastically, kissing her cheek. She turned onto her back.

"Mommy doesn't cook good like you..." She pouted. I smiled and rubbed her arm.

"She just wants you all to be healthy. That's all." I said then put my hands under her arms to tickle them. She giggled uncontrollably. "Up! Up! Up!" I exclaimed and she got up to put on her party dress from last night. I laughed. "Why don't you just keep your jammies on, honey!" She smiled at me.

"Because I'm beautiful in this dress!" She laughed and put on her head. I reached to help her pull it down. She took my hand... "That's a pretty ring! Can I put it on, Abby?!" She asked excitedly, clapping her hands. I froze.

"How 'bout next time you come over, baby? That way you'll have more time to wear it!" I exclaimed.

"OK!" She said sweetly and put her shoes on and grabbed her doll. Just then I heard the doorbell.

"Taylor?! Will you get that, sweetie?!" I called out grabbing Alex's backpack. He tore out of our room and ran downstairs.

"Got it!" He yelled back and answered the door.

"Merry Christmas, Al!" He said cheerfully. Her face showed little emotion.

"Yeah, Merry Christmas... Where are the kids?" She asked him peeking around the door.

"Right here! Here we come!" I sang out. I was holding Alex's hand as we walked up to the door. Her eyes lit up.

"Merry CHRISTMAS, angels!" She said sweetly to them picking up Alex and hugging her. Annie and Shane hugged her sides and yelled it back. "Time for fun!" She said pulling down the back of Alex's night shirt.

"You should see what Abby has, Mommy! Daddy bought her a pretty ring!" She said excitedly tugging on Allison's sleeve. She looked at me, her eye's looked sad. She's nodded.

"Let's go, guys. Thanks for taking good care of them..." She mumbled and walked away. I sighed and closed the door. Taylor pulled me in and hugged me.

"I'm not sorry..." He whispered. I nodded.

"I love you... Let's go back to bed..."

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