1| Murder

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Laza's POV

"Laza, I won't expel you from the order, but I am telling you to stay home and rest. You need it, you can't do any good work if you're in pain," Mace  told me.

"Master, I know I should, but I can't just abandon all of you," I said.

"We'll be fine, you on the other hand won't be fine if you continue fighting everyday," he said.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Now go home," he ordered.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Oh, and I forgot to tell you, we should've done this a long time ago before everything fell apart, but you have been given the rank of Jedi Master," he said.

"Finally!" I laughed.

"Wait, Laza, let me walk with you," Ahsoka said running to me.

"Okay," I said.

"I'm so excited," she jumped.

"Calm down," I laughed.

"I can't! In a week you'll have a baby!" She cheered.

"I'm excited too, but not as much as you and that scares me," I laughed.


After Ahsoka left I put on a grey long sleeve night gown. I took my hair out of the braid and laid down. I got as comfortable as I could and actually fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Anakin's POV

I landed on Coruscant and went to my old apartment. My heart raced as I opened the door.

I walked in quietly and made my way to the bedroom. I saw Laza curled up on her side of the bed. I ignited my lightsaber and walked over.

I held up my lightsaber ready to slice her. Don't do this! I told myself. NO! I have to. I corrected.

I looked down at her beautiful face and then at her body and saw her stomach, she's... pregnant!

I deactivated my lightsaber and took off the helmet. I fell to my knees. "I can't do this, I can't," I whispered and began to cry.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and left. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill my child or Laza. Even if she wasn't pregnant I still wouldn't have done it. I went to my ship and flew away from Coruscant. I won't kill my wife or my child.

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