11| Awake

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Laza's POV

I started to hear a beeping noise. My eyes flickered open, I felt something around my neck and tried to get it off as I hyperventilated through my nose and I attempted to yell.

"No Laza, no no no, your swollen, don't touch it," Mace said stopping me, "no no no. Calm down. Calm down. You're okay."

I heard a noise and looked over and saw a med droid, "tell her she's awake," Mace told the droid.

"Cody," I managed to get out.

"Don't try to talk. Cody's okay I promise," he said still trying to calm me down, "Maul just had to get him off."


"There was a chip in the tumor, it caused his actions," Obi Wan told me. He was sitting in a chair in front of my bed. May was sitting on the bed next to me holding my hand. Anakin was in a chair next to me. Maul and Talon stood in the doorway. Mace and Yoda were in chairs next Obi Wan.

"We've studied the chip as much as we can in the last few days, it's programmed with orders, one to kill the Jedi. The order was already activated, but the clones denied it," Mace said. Anakin handed me the chip. It was contained in glass and looked like a tumor alright.

Why didn't they follow the order? I said to them telepathically, at least I have some way to communicate.

"They're to loyal to you," Maul said. I tried to nod, but I really only blinked. Ahsoka came into the room and leaned against the wall behind Obi Wan.

"But the chip does try and force the action and causes an excessive amount of stress, nightmares, and pain, the Commander caved under pressure," Mace added.

What about the other clones? I don't want them in that much pain. I told them.

"Being removed as we speak, the chips are," Yoda told me.

"But if the chips have already controlled their brains how do we know if they'll be okay?" Ahsoka pointed out.

"We'll just suave to wait and find out," Talon told her.

"After we took out Cody's chip he was fine around you guys, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine," May added. The room went silent for a couple of seconds.

How long do I have to wear this again? I asked them.

"A few more days, you've already had it on for a week and a half," Mace told me.

How long was I asleep? I don't recall even being awake for a week! I asked.

"You were asleep for a week and a day," Anakin told me.

"Rest, you need, General Starkiller. Leave, we will," Master Yoda said.

Everyone left, but May and Anakin. "Your telepathic communication is not only creepy, but it's putting stress on your nerves from having to focus that much, you have to limit yourself or stop completely," May said.

"Then how is she going to communicate?" Anakin asked.

"She's not gonna, she'll be fine for a few days," she said.

"What if she isn't?" He argued, I death stared him.

"No normal person can't telepathically speak, if they can break their neck and be fine for a month or two, she'll be fine for a few days," May threw back.

I held my hand up telling them to stop. "I'll leave you two alone for now," May said before leaving the room. Okay then.

Anakin stood up and sat on the bed next to me and held my hand. I was really tired, probably because of the morphine needle in my arm that was right above the IV. I half yawned because I could barely open my mouth.

"Who would've thought that Maul would've saved you," he chuckled. I smiled at his remark.

"The house is lonely without you, even thigh I have Threepio," he shrugged. "But I'm not sleeping with a droid," he laughed causing me to try and laugh.

"You look tired," he said. I half nodded, and he yawned.

Just sleep here with me then. I told him telepathically.

"I thought you weren't supposed to talk," he said.

She said limit or stop, I'm limiting. I said.

"Okay, well scoot over," he said. I slid over and he laid down next to me. I snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head before resting his chin on my head. I closed my eyes and drifted into a sleep. I love him so much.

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