20| And The Training Begins

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Anakin's POV

I landed on Dagobah the air was moist and the ground was soggy and invisible from the fog. "C'mon, Artoo. Be careful little buddy," I called.

I walked slowly through the marsh and scanned my surroundings. I reached out through the force searching for Master Yoda. I followed my senses and they led me to an extremely small brown hut. "That's gonna be a tight squeeze," I rolled my eyes.

I approached the hut, "Master Yoda!" I called. I peaked my head in, "Master?"

"Ohhh, come finally, you have, young Skywalker," he said walking out of the hut.

"Yes, Master. Qui Gon informed me yesterday," I told him.

"Yes, yes, lots of training to do, you have," he told me.

"I heard," I nodded.

"In the morning, we will start. Dinner, it is time for," he said.

"Thank you, Master," I said. He walked into his hut and I ducked down and sat on the ground near him. Even while sitting I had to bend my neck. He handed me a bowl of stew. I tasted it, disgusting! But it's the only thing to eat so I forced myself to eat it.

"At dawn, we start," he told me.

"I'll see you in the morning, Master Yoda," I nodded before crawling out of the hut. When I stood up normal I stretched my back, it hasn't even been a day and I'm already having problems.

"Lets head back to the ship, Artoo. We've got some long days ahead of us," I told him as I walked back to the ship. He followed behind me with only his head visible from the fog we began walking through.

The sun started to set making the dark forest darker and darker. When we reached the ship I kicked off my boots and went over to the small bed in the ship. "We have to be back at Yoda's by dawn Artoo," I said as I laid down.

He beeped in annoyance. "Hey! I don't like it either! But we have to do this and hopefully with this new knowledge we can end the Empire and this war," I told him.

He beeped and rolled to another part of the ship. I shook my head and went to bed.


I woke up to Artoo beeping. "Really?!" I said sitting up. He beeped telling me it's almost dawn. "Fine! But you aren't an alarm clock there buddy," I said getting up. I slipped on my boots that were covered in mud from last night.

I ate a small bit of food I had with me and began walking to Yoda's hut. I saw Yoda waiting outside his hut for me. "Good morning," he said.

"Good morning, Master Yoda," I bowed my head.

"Before the real training begins, strengthen your abilities throughout the force we must," he told me.

"Where do I start?" I asked.


"When is this going to be over?" I whispered. I've been holding a handstand while lifting objects including Artoo and Master Yoda.

"Over? When you falter, it will be over," Master Yoda said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I need some different clothes! My body was pouring out sweat, my usual long sleeve Jedi robes were increasing my body heat by the second.

"Reach through the force and your body will regulate," it's like he's reading my mind!

I closed my eyes and let my mind relax. I felt the slight breeze brush last my body and the sound of the creatures near by. I was taken into a vision.

I saw Laza giving birth and screaming and crying. She wasn't just in the normal pain of child labor. She was dying!

"Laza!" My eyes flashed open. All the things I was holding up with the force fell to the ground and so did I.

"Another premonition?" Master Yoda asked after standing up.

"Yes, Master," I bowed my head still sitting on the ground.

"The last time you had these the Sith almost destroyed everything. You must train yourself to let go, Anakin. Laza will be fine, I'm sure," he told me.

"I'm trying, Master Yoda. But what if she does die?" I asked afraid.

"Feeding into these premonitions brings the pain and death you see. Being mindful of your actions and choosing the light side prevents this event from coming true. A test of the force, they are," he explained.

"Thank you, Master," I said and stood up.

"Go back to your ship and rest, you must. Many long days are ahead," he nodded.

"I will see you in the morning, Master," I said before I left with Artoo.

I walked back to the ship and extremely exhausted. I was happy this ship has a shower in the bathroom. I took a quick shower and chugged down a bottle of water because my heat exhaustion.

I put on a pair of pajama pants. When my head hit the pillow I immediately fell asleep.

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