29| Goodbye For Now

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Laza's POV
A few weeks later
A transmission was coming in from Mace. "Hello, Master," I greeted him.

"Hi, Laza," he replied.

"What's up?" I asked.

"We're all meeting on Alderaan in secret with Senator Organa later today. Be there," he told me.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," I ended the transmission.

"Ani, we gotta go," I called to him.

"What?" He asked running down the stairs with wet hair.

"We've gotta go to Alderaan to meet with Senator Organa," I repeated.

"Okay? Give me a minute," he told me going back upstairs.

I grabbed my lightsaber and hooked it to my belt. I grabbed the cloak I put on this morning and out the hood up. If I brought my bow it would be clear who I am, and Alderaan is full of imperials.

"Let's go," Anakin said putting the hood up on his cloak.


We were in the fields of Alderaan, Anakin, Obi Wan, Mace, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Master Yoda, Talon, Senator Organa, and I were there.

"We've decided you all must stay in hiding the best you can," Senator Organa started.

I rolled my eyes, it's not my specialty to hide and watch innocent people die. "How long?" I asked.

"A few years," Senator Organa answered.

"You have to got to be kidding me," I whispered to myself.

"No, if the Empire doesn't see you they'll stop punishing the innocents," Senator Organa told me.

"Fine," I backed down.

"I think the Sith know where we are..." Obi Wan said.

"It's been a month, they would've done something if they were going to," Mace pointed out.

"True, that is. Never sure, can we be," Master Yoda added.

"I wish you all the best of luck, but I must be going," Senator Organa said.

"We all should be going as well," Talon said.

"Wait, Senator, do you know anything of Ahsoka Tano?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, she is in the Phoenix Squadron. In fact I just received word that she is now helping a small band of rebels," he explained.

"Thank you, Senator," Anakin said, Senator Organa left on his speeder back to the city.

"Time to go, I guess," I shrugged.

"Yes, it is," Obi Wan agreed.

"Take care of yourself, young one," Mace told me.

"Same to you, old man," I told him giving him a quick hug.

"Goodbye, my friend," Obi Wan said to me.

"Goodbye," I replied hugging him. I walked over to Talon, "stay out of trouble."

She laughed, "thanks, you too," she told me and we hugged.

"Battles to come, prepare for them, you must," Maser Yoda told me.

"Thank you, Master I will," I assured him.

"A master, you are now, Young Skywalker," Master Yoda told Anakin.

I looked at Anakin, he had a big smile on his face. "Thank you, Master," Anakin told him.

"Ready?" I asked Anakin.

"Yeah, let's go," he said.

I hated hiding, but now it's our only option.
Hey guys! So that's the end of part 1! Instead of part 2 coming out tomorrow it'll be out in a few days. I'm terrible with beginnings, sorry. But I promise it'll be good! I hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!<3<3

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