3| The Real Battle of Naboo

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Laza's POV

I jumped out of the boat and saw the burning city. I brought a few of the bomb ships down in flames. I watched as Anakin clenched his hand and the bombers turned to dust.

I ran into a burning building and saw an unconscious mother and son. I pulled them out of the burning building, there were people in the streets terrified at the sight of their burning city.

Then came the stormtroopers shooting at the citizens. I stepped in front of one crowd reflecting the blasts with my lightsaber, the lasers bounced back into the stormtroopers.

I glanced back and saw Anakin doing the same as me, but also knocking the troops dead with the force. I used his idea and pushed a gust of fire into the stormtroopers killing them all.

Another battalion of stormtroopers came up. I reflected a few blasts and then burned them all to death.

A knife flew into my arm. "Arghh!" I yelled in pain. I looked back at the citizens thinking one of them did it out of fear.

Then a small child pointed in the other direction, I saw the red cloaks of royal guards. That means the Emperor's here.

Anakin rushed to my side. We battled with the guards, they put up a fight I can say that. They kept pulling out lethal weapons from under their cloaks. I burned a few alive and stabbed a few with my lightsaber.

I turned to Anakin, he had just finished off the last guard. If we hadn't trained for two years we would've been dead by now. Then I sensed the rotten Sith Lord, his royal highness is here.

Then I heard the evil cackle of Palpatine. "Show yourself!" I shouted. He jumped down in front of Anakin and I.

Anakin through a strong force push at him. He fell back and knocked our lightsabers across the city. Anakin went to grab his with force but the Emperor struck him with force lightning, I used wall of fire to block the lightning for hitting Anakin.

The Emperor lifted me up with the force by my neck. I slowly felt my life fading, he was killing me slowly, not by choking me, he was draining the life out of me.

Anakin stood up and force pushed him. The Emperor began to loose his balance, he threw me across the city onto a building. I slammed onto the stone roof coughing as the life flourished back into me. I took my bow off my chest gripped an arrow head lighting it on fire. I quickly shot it at the Emperor.

It surprisingly hit his back, more royal guards appeared. They dragged a dying Palpatine back onto they're ship. Anakin fled into the mass of people and the imperials left. I looked down at the burning city and and coved the wound on my arm with my opposite hand.

I saw Anakin, with a gust of force wind he put the fires out. I climbed down and ran to him. He hugged me quickly, "are you alright?" He rubbing his hand along my arms, neck, and waist.

"Not really," I looked down at the gash on my upper arm.

"Keep pressure on it, I'm sure your mom will stitch it and wrap it," he said.

"Yeah, I also could do this," I agreed, but seared off the wound with fire.

"True, c'mon we have to leave. Let's go get your mother and sister," he said as we headed for the boat.
Hey guys!! Late update, sorry. Today was the first day of school, YAY (note the sarcasm)! If I only had school I would probably be able to update at 3:30 ish but I have cross country after school... and it can end at 4 or 5:30 depending on the workout so yeah. I hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!!<3<3<3<3

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