14| The Truth

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Laza's POV

The council just looked at Anakin and I. I looked at Mace, "Master, what was that?" I asked again.

"He came quicker than we thought," he mumbled.

"We have to get down there, now," Obi Wan said.

"Okay," I shrugged and cut a hole in the floor. I fell into a dusty tunnel. "I'm alright, c'mon down," I yelled up.

Anakin was the first to jump down, and ran over to me. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I told him and we shared a passionate kiss. I heard laughing, we broke the kiss and looked over.

"Ventress," Anakin growled.

"Calm down, I'm here to help you, you really think I want all those Sith running around," she said.

"Good point," I shrugged.

"She's here?" Talon asked.

"Now she is," I rolled my eyes, I guess Maul, Talon, and Rex are joining the Sith hunt.

"Quit arguing, as long as she doesn't betray us we'll be fine, follow me," Mace ordered.

We followed him through long hallways. I felt a strange presence, not the overly strong one, but this one was strong. It was familiar, who was it? I looked up at Mace, I saw a look of anger on his face.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned.

"You sense it too, who is it?" I repeated.

"Someone I used to know, someone you knew as well," he said.

"During my training I'm guessing?" I asked.

"I guess you could say that," he said. I rolled my eyes. "We're here," he said.

It was a door way, the room behind it was already very large. "Well," I said.

"Risen, the fallen Sith have," Master Yoda said.

"No," I whispered.

"What're we going to do now?" Ventress asked.

"Go in," I said in anger.

"Laza!" Anakin said trying to stop.

"We're all gonna die anyway, may as well make it quick," I said and walked through the doorway. The presence was stronger. Who is this person?!

"General, so happy you could join our reunion," Sidious said as a bunch of Sith Lords jumped down along with him. There they all were, the most powerful dark lords, oh and of course he reconstructed General Grievous.

Maul, Talon, Ventress, and Anakin cake in after me. "Darth Maul, Darth Talon, Ventress, and Lord Vader," the Emperor cackled. Anakin cringed when he called him Lord Vader.

"The rest of the Jedi?" Grievous said, I forgot his excruciating voice. The rest of the Jedi and Rex stepped in. The presence grew stronger.

"Okay, before we break out into war here, which one of you besides for Empress, Grievous and Sidious have I met before because your presence is really getting on my nerves," I growled.

"I see you still have the same smart mouth," a familiar voice said from behind Nihilus.

I looked at Mace, "Master, is there something you've been meaning to tell me?" I questioned not believing who's voice I heard.

"Laza... I'm sorry," Mace said.

"I haven't exactly cracked down who you are," I called out.

A figure stepped out from behind Nihilus and Plagueis. My eyes widened at the sight, "No, no," I said softly.

"Laza..." Anakin whispered before grabbing my hand.

"Father?" I choked.

"Hello Laza, I knew I'd see you again someday," he said.

"I don't understand..." I said.

"Well, I'll clear the air for you. The last time I saw you when Mace Windu took you to become a Jedi and I left on a different ship, that was because I had finished my mission of getting you trained by one of the most powerful Jedi. I wasn't really a Jedi, everyone thought I was," he explained. I couldn't even look at him. I was to overwhelmed.

"I, your daughter, looked up to you and thought you were one of the most powerful Jedi when it turns out you were a LYING TRAITOR," I cried.

He just let out an evil cackle, I could see out of the corners of my eyes the other Sith were happy by my pain. I garbled, my father's old golden lightsaber.

"Why'd you give this to me?" I asked Master Yoda before using the force to push it across the room.

"Stupid Jedi, now you're weaponless," Grievous said.

"Well, I'm not I have a bow and arrow, that my father taught me how to shoot," I sneered.

"General Grievous, they made you shorter," Anakin said, I hadn't let go of his hand the entire time.

"We will give you a chance to join us if you wish not to be killed," Malgus offered.

Trust me. If you understand and are willing to help me with this join me. I told my friends telepathically.

I walked over beside my father. "I told you, my daughter would never disappoint me," my father said.

"You were right, Lord Calamite," Plagueis said.

I just looked at Anakin. He looked so betrayed, I hope he understands what I'm doing. Talon, Maul and Ventress walked over as well.

Please. I told Anakin.

Anakin unhooked his lightsaber from his belt and handed it to Obi Wan. Everyone looked betrayed, more astonished about Anakin and I. Talon, Maul, and Ventress already had red lightsabers. Anakin was handed his one from his from when he was Darth Vader by Sidious.

My father, Darth Calamite handed me a lightsaber, "my daughter, from now on you will be know as Darth Maleficent."
(I had to don't judge me the name is to awesome!)

I ignited the blade, it was red. I deactivated and held it in my hand.

Wait for me to start. I told Anakin, Talon, Maul and Ventress.

Darth Nihilus walked up to me, my heart began to race. Will he or will he not drain my power?

"If you want to prove yourself, kill the the traitor," his deep scratchy voice said.

"Who's the traitor," I said staring righting into his mask trying to show no fear.

"Him," he said pointing to Anakin. No!

I activated the red lightsaber and looked at Anakin. "This may help, he already has Sith Powers, you don't I'll let you have the advantage," Nihilus said. He began to drain Anakin's power. His power belonged to Nihilus in seconds.

I held up the saber. I lifted my arm about to strike Anakin. I swing the saber and Nihilus was dead and my father dying.

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