4| Angered

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Laza's POV

Anakin began to land the ship, "we need to explain to them you are not Darth Vader," I told him.

"I know, until we do they'll be scared to death," he agreed.

"I'll tell them first, wait outside until I come to you," I ordered.

"Okay," he said.

He waited outside the small house and I walked in. "Mom? May?" I said.

"Laza!" May cheered running out of her room.

"Has my grandchild been born?" My mom asked running from the kitchen.

"What happened?! Did you leave the baby on Coruscant?! How could you! I wanted to see the baby!" May complained.

"No, the child was killed by Darth Sidious," I said holding back tears.

"Oh no," my mother said and the each hugged me.

"But I bring good news as well, Anakin, came back to the light. He's here with me," I told them.

"Really?! I knew he would!" May said, she's so funny.

"Well, where is he?" My mom asked. 

"Outside," I told her.
You can come in now.
I told him.

He walked in and greeted my family.

"What brings you two out here?" My mom asked.

"The Jedi council is a bunch of nerf-herders," I said rolling my eyes.

"Laza!" My mom said surprised.

"Well they are!" I told her.

"What are they doing that's so bad?" She asked.

"They have no trust for Anakin," I told her.

"Well, I can't blame them honestly, I was Darth Vader for almost a year and tried to wipe them all out," Anakin added.

"Yes, but you can clearly see in your eyes that, that isn't you anymore," I pointed out.

"True, but give them all time, they need to know for sure he is trustworthy, some people take longer than others," my mom told us.

"I believe Master Windu will never trust me now," Anakin sighed.

"He came so close to actually trusting you too, then someone cut off his hand," I couldn't help but laugh.

"You have a point," he said.

"They also will be pretty mad at me because I never tell them when I just randomly leave to come home," I added.

"It's getting dark I better lock up the house, the Tuskens have been coming around here lately," my mom told us.

"Oh, that doesn't sound good," I said as she began to the kick the door.

"It isn't good, a few houses down someone was taken and most likely killed," she explained.

I could feel Anakin's anger, I looked up at him. I know his mother was killed by the Tuskens. I gave him a quick hug, I knew he was thinking about his mother.

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