12| Surprising News

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Laza's POV

I woke up to a beeping noise in a white room. I was in the MedBay, I sensed Anakin close by. I pushed myself up so I was sitting up. I had a really bad headache.

The door opened and I saw Anakin, "you're awake!" He ran to me. He hugged me tightly, "how long was I asleep?" I asked him.

"A couple of hours," he replied.

"What really happened out there?" I questioned.

"Sidious conjured a storm to distract me and brought Calamite to distract you," he started.

"Distract?" I raised my eyebrows.

"He's got Ahsoka and Obi Wan," he sighed.

"Then what're we doing?! Let's go," I took the IV out of my arm and swung my legs over the bed.

"Woah, woah calm down," he said.

"Since when do you follow the rules?" I asked him.

"When your health is at stake," he said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I hit my head... I'm fine," I assured him.

"Laza, please sit this one out," he said.

"I know that look, what aren't you telling me?" I asked annoyed.

"He also has May, and-" I cut him off.

"What?! We have to go now!" I raised my voice.


My eyes widened, I was shocked, excited, and overwhelmed. "You sure?" I asked not able to find words.

"Yeah, when you passed out and they did tests they found out," he nodded.

"I want go jump in happiness, but I also want to break down in tears," I said emotionless.

"Please stay here, Mace and I will go get Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and May. When we're back we'll have a celebration and be happy," he said putting his forehead to mine.

"I can still go, don't underestimate me, Anakin. I'm going," I told him.

"Please, Laza. I don't want you getting hurt," he pleaded.

"I'll be fine," I tried assuring him. I'm going on that mission no matter what!
Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been updating! I'm trying... but... HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Best day next to Christmas and my birthday👌

Hope y'all have a fun day/night! I'll also try and update tomorrow so this cliffhanger doesn't kill you! I just told my friend who reads this that I'm hitting y'all with and cliffhanger and now she's mad at me😂😂 Hope you're enjoying!!

Love you guys!!!!!<3<3<3<3

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