5| Away From It All

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Anakin's POV

I held Laza in my arms while she slept soundly. I couldn't sleep. I enjoyed Laza's presence though.

She turned over so she was now facing me. Her eyes slowly opened and we just looked at each other.

"You okay?" She whispered.

"Yeah," I replied.

She kissed me and then snuggled into my chest. I could sense here falling back asleep. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes attempting to fall asleep.


"Ani... Ani," I heard someone calling my name.

I opened my eyes and saw Laza sitting next to me. "Good morning," she said.

"Morning," I yawned. I sat up and leaned my back up against the wall.

"I missed home," she told me.

"I would too, if I were you," I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"You have a life here, your mother and sister, I have someone my mother married who I've only met twice. It's different for you," I explained.

"I guess you're right," she shrugged.

"You're family is so sweet," I told her.

"Thanks," she smiled, "the one thing I grew to love about this house is because of how peaceful it was, especially for this planet. No slaves, no poverty, rarely any Tuskens, just sand."

"Yeah," I sighed.

"You hungry?" She asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Put a shirt on and c'mon," she standing up.

"Okay I'll be right out," I told and she walked out of the room. I put on the rest of my clothes and something caught my eye. It was a picture of a man with dark hair, Laza's father.

I examined the picture Laza and him look a lot alike. I remember hearing stories about him, not from Laza though. I heard he was a great Jedi and he died in a lost ship. Probably one of the worst ways to die, you either starve, dehydrate, or suffocate, if your ship doesn't let you into the vacuum of space.

I walked out to the table and sat down next to Laza. She pushed a bowl of fruit over to me.

"Thanks," I said to her.


After breakfast Laza and I were walking around outside.

"How old were you when you were freed?" She asked.

"Nine, how old were you?" I asked.

"Six," she answered.

"I never would've thought with your father being a Jedi you would've been a slave," I said.

"Well, my father was never around much and with a basically single mother with a newborn and a toddler it was hard to work. We were in so much debt with everyone and without my father around we were all sold by the Zygerrian empire," she told me.

"How were you freed?" I asked.

"Well, we were sold into slavery when I was two turning three, my father was fighting in a war and all that stuff. He came home when I was six and he also brought Mace and Qui-Gon with him and they saw that we were sold. They bought us all out of slavery and then noticing how strong I was with the force and the midichlorian count led up to me going back to Coruscant and being trained. And we all know your story," we each laughed at her last sentence.

"Yeah. We're gonna have to go back eventually," I told her.

"I know, they probably already think we're dead," she said.

"Exactly, but I think Obi Wan and Ahsoka would've tried to contact our comlinks or ship," I added.

"True, wanna check the ship?" She suggested.

"Yeah, let's go," I agreed. We walked to the ship and boarded, Artoo sat waiting for us.

"Any messages buddy?" I asked him.

He beeped and played a hologram of Obi Wan.

"Anakin, Laza, where are you two? Look I know you're both mad but you have to come back, Star Destroyers have been passing over Coruscant lately. We need you both here!" The message ended.

"I guess we're going back now," she said.

"Yeah, go say goodbye to your family I'll get the ship ready," I told her.

"Alright, I'll be right back," she said.

A few minutes later she walked back on the ship. "Ready?" She said.

"Wait, come here. Are you alright?" I asked. She looked sad, I pulled her into a hug and she clung to me tight.

"Not really," she said.

"Hey, I love you," I assured her.

"I love you too," she replied, "now let's get back to Coruscant."

"Okay," I said and began to fly us back.
Hey guys!! Again I know it's Natalie Portman in the picture but there isn't any pictures or existing events or Jennifer and Hayden hugging so I had no choice. Sorry but let's pretend! Okay? Okay. Hope you're enjoying!

Love you guys!!<3<3

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