21| Awaiting Their Arrival

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Laza's POV
Months later
Anakin has been gone for months. He's been able to call me from his ship occasionally, but the transmission isn't great so most of the time it's hard to see or hear him on the holo. I hope he can come back soon.

I'm due in a week or so. I've been really nervous. The last time I was this far along the Sith came and destroyed everything. It's been hairs without Anakin. We know the child is very strong with the force. So strong we can't even sense or medically see the gender or size because of the force energy surrounding the child.

The baby is very big, the medical droids and doctors said my stomach is slightly larger than average. I think the child is a boy. I can't sense or tell but my instincts are telling me it's a boy.

Ashoka seems more excited than I am. She thinks the baby is a girl though. She keeps begging me to be able to train the child when he's old enough, or she in her mind set.

The moved my quarters out of the base and into a more hidden place near the base. We needed more space for the baby and they didn't want an attack on the base to affect the child. So, that led me to being even more lonely.

At least I had my three droids, Threepio, and two new astromech's R2-Q5(Cuefive) and R7-S1(Arseven). They kept me company when Ashoka and May were busy.

Anakin's POV

I held the handstand longer than I ever have. Yoda stood on my left foot and I held my left arm out. I had Artoo, multiple rocks, my ship, and tree branches lifted up for hours.

I held my eyes shut keeping my focus on the force. My muscles ached and dehydration came upon me. I took deep breaths to calm myself. I reached farther and farther through the force.

I felt pain, fear, loneliness. I saw war. Then an image of Laza giving birth. My eyes flashed open, I was thrown off balance and everything fell.

"Happened in a while, that has not," Master Yoda said standing up.

"I'm sorry, Master. I had a vision," I sighed.

"What did you see?" He asked.

"War. Pain. Death," I said blankly.

"And what of your wife?" He asked. I swear he reads my mind!

"She was giving birth during all of it," I said. "Master Yoda, I must go. It will happen soon, I have to be there."

"Disagree with this, I do. But agree, I also do. Go," he said.

"Thank you, Master," I jumped to my feet and ran to my ship with Artoo tailing me. "Yeah, we're finally going back, Artoo," I said.

He beeped in happiness. I chuckled, "yeah, I miss Threepio too."

I changed into my Jedi robes and began to take off. "Artoo set the NaviComputer for Yavin Four," I told him. He beeped telling me it was done. "How's the hyperdrive?" I asked. He beeped telling me it was in good shape. "Perfect," I nodded and took off into hyperspace.

Laza's POV
Hours later
Arseven beeped telling me a ship was coming into the atmosphere. "I wonder who? None of our ships left today," I told him.

Cuefive beeped unsurely. "Miss Laza, it could be Master Ani," Threepio implied.

"I hope it is," I perked up and began walking to the base. I sensed Anakin and Artoo, it was them!

Anakin's POV

I landed my ship in the docking bay. "Anakin, you're back earlier than I expected," Obi Wan said.

"Yeah, Master Yoda let me come back earlier today," I nodded. I didn't want to talk about my vision.

"That's good, they gave you and Laza a safer place to stay out in the woods. It isn't too far," he said.

"That's good, that way the children will be safe," I nodded. I sensed someone behind me. "Ahsoka! You can't sneak up on any Jedi," I told her. 

"HEY!" She said hugging me.

"Hey, Snips," I said.

"You're back so soon!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah! I guess I finished all of the training," I said a small lie.


"Yeah I know where is she?" I asked.

"I'm right here," I heard Laza's voice.

I turned and around and ran to her. I over fled her up hugging her. As I put her down I quickly kissed her. "I missed you!" She said hugging me again.

"I missed you more! How's the baby?" I asked putting my hands in her stomach.

"Healthy and big," she said.

"Are you due soon?" I asked.

"Few days to a week," she nodded.

"That's wonderful!" I said hugging her again. I still couldn't believe I was going to be a father.
Hey guys!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope you all had an amazing day and got cool stuff!

And sorry for the time skip but I had this time planned out and had nothing planned for the time we were in... so I just skipped a few months. And in the beginning is a picture of our new droids! I found the pictures online and I figured I'd put them in the story. I hope you all enjoy!! Merry Christmas!!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3

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