20| Comlinks

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Anakin's POV

Laza sat on the couch and I kneeled in front of her on the floor. I dabbed a cold clothes on Laza's knuckles. "You don't need to do this you know," she said.

"Yes, I do. You refuse to let your mother or sister look at them. If you don't do this they'll get infected and it all goes downhill from there," I said.

"Since when are you a med droid?" She said.

"Since you went crazy," I told her.

"We're all crazy, some more than others," she shrugged. I began wrapping her hands with a bandage. "Thanks," she said.

I put my hands on her shoulders and we just looked at each other. I gazed into her eyes and saw pain and hatred.

Laza's POV

I saw fear and suffering in his eyes as he got closer to me. He kissed me softly, our lips began to move in sync as he hovered over me. I ran my fingers through his hair.


"LAZA! LAZA PLEASE! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Obi Wan's voice came from my comlink.

We broke the kiss, "we better go I guess," he said.

"Yeah," I whispered wishing that didn't end.

I grabbed my comlink, "Obi Wan?" I said.

"Laza! I've been trying to contact both you and Anakin for a while now!" He said.

"Sorry! What's your big issue?" I asked.

"Get a battalion and come to Ord Mantell, I'm low on troops and getting killed out here!" He said.

"Couldn't you have asked Mace or someone if one of us weren't answering?" I asked annoyed.

"No, they're fighting on Naboo, Malastare, and Hoth. You two would've known this if you answered your comlink. Your the leader of our army you of all people should know who's fighting where!" He said.

"Well, sorry we'll be there soon," I rolled my eyes.
Hey guys!! I got you up there😂😂😂!
Anyway... I hope you're enjoying!
Love you guys!!!<3<3

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