24| No, I Win

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Laza's POV

"I haven't seen Master Yoda or Talon in a few years," I said.

"Yeah, I wonder what they're doing," May added.

"Well, I know Yoda is doing good from Anakin, but he didn't see Talon while he was there," I explained.

"Oh," May said.

We were pulled out of hyperspace by something and being dragged backwards. "Cuefive! Arseven! What's going on?!" I called back.

They told me we were caught in a tractor beam. "The Empire..." May said exactly what I was thinking. 

Anakin's POV

"We got 'em, Artoo!" I said when we finished the last TIE. The Star destroyers took off into hyperspace. I grinned at the running Empire. Artoo told me that Laza was on Dagobah with May and the other droids.

"Artoo, send a transmission to Obi Wan and Ahsoka so they know where we are. Set course for Dagobah," I ordered.


We neared Dagobah, I couldn't sense Laza. "Artoo, contact Laza," I ordered.

He beeped telling me the transmission was cut off. "I have a bad feeling about this," I shook my head.

Laza's POV

We were in handcuffs brought onto the Star Destroyer. I sensed Calamite, this is gonna be hard for May. She hasn't seen him since she was like two. We were brought into a room in front of Calamite. I could sense May's pain already.

"Ah, my lovely daughters," Calamite said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"It's not what I want, it's not what the Emperor wants," he said, that's unusual.

"Well, what does his terribleness bid?" I raised my eyebrows.

"For me to kill you, and you're children," he said.

"Why?" I asked trying to hide my fear.

"Laza, you know why. The Emperor always exterminates his threats," he said.

"Then why is Anakin still here?" I cocked my head.

"Good question, my dear. I wouldn't know the answer to that one," he said standing up and walking in front of May and I.

"You don't have to kill me," I said like an idiot.

"Nor do I want to but I have too," he said.

"Then don't," Anakin said walking in front of me facing Calamite.

"You know how the Emperor is," Calamite told Anakin.

"Well, if you failed because of me nearly killing you it wouldn't be as bad," Anakin cocked his head and ignited his light saber.

"So be it, Skywalker," Calamite grinned igniting his light saber and they began clashing sabers.

I quickly melted off my handcuffs then used the force to unlock May's. "Laza! Get out of here!" Anakin yelled.

May and I ran out of the room and found our ship. I ignited my light saber and killed the stormtroopers around and near us. May got on the ship, "I have to go back for Anakin," I told her.

"No! You can't!" She said.

"I can and I have too! I'm not leaving him!" I said.

"But the babies..." she tried reasoning.

"I know, I know. Can you fly?" I asked nodding my head at the cockpit.

"Sorta," she shrugged.

"Good, get ready to fly is out of her!" I said and headed back towards the room Anakin and my father were in.

"Wait, what?!" I heard her yell behind me. I ignored her and continued back to the duel.

I saw Calamite almost killing Anakin with force lightning. "Looks like I win now, Skywalker," he cackled. I knocked him back with a force push then swiped a gust of fire at him ending the fight. "No, it looks like I win," I said.

"Laza, c'mon we have to go," Anakin said standing up.

"Yeah," I agreed and grabbed his hand as we ran out to the ship. When we entered the ship I called to May, "let's go!"

She took off and closed the ramp flying us out of the system. Anakin and I walked into the cockpit. "Here I'll take over," Anakin said and they switched spots. We made the jump to hyperspace and set course for Yavin IV.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, a contraction... oh no. "What is it?" Anakin asked concerned.

"Uh, I'm going into labor," I said.

"WHAT?! Now?!" He said.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Sit down," May helped my to the co pilot chair. "Labor usually lasts twelve to sixteen hours."

"We'll be back in eight," Anakin nodded, he looked nervous. This is going to be a painful eight hours!
Hey guys!! So Laza's gonna give birth to the twins soon! Speaking of the twins... Carrie Fisher died today😭😭. Why?!? Anyway😔... I hope you guys are enjoying!!

Love you guys!!!!<3<3<3<3

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