18| Needing To Leave And Train

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Anakin's POV

I walked through the base and out into the forest of Yavin IV. I heard something calling my name. I didn't know who or what it was but I intended to find out. I gripped my lightsaber ready to ignite it.

"Anakin, Anakin," a male voice called to me again.

I ran toward it, "show yourself!" I called out.

"Anakin," it was directly behind me. I ignited my lightsaber as I quickly turned around and saw Qui Gon.

"Master?" I said but believing it. He wasn't actually there though, he looked more as a hologram. Like on Mortis!

"Anakin, you just go to Dagobah and train with Yoda," he ordered.

"Why? I can train here with Obi Wan and Ashoka," I said. "

No, only Yoda knows what you must learn," he told me.

"What am I 'learning'?" I questioned.

"Greater powers within the force, you must learn them before it's too late," he told me.

"What about Laza? I can't leave at a time like this," I told him.

"You can and you will. Laza will be fine, you'll be back before she gives birth," he told me.

"Fine," I gave in, "when do I have to leave?"

"Go to Dagobah tomorrow, no later," he said and faded away.

"Master! Wait! Ughh," I sighed.

I walked back to the base wondering what kind of training I was in such great need of. I took the elevator back up to my quarters. I stepped into the room and approached Laza.

"What happened to you? You look like you just saw a ghost," she worried.

"Because I did," I said and eyes widened into a look of confusion. "Master Qui-Gon, he said I need to go to Dagobah and train for something immediately."

"You're leaving?" She choked.

"Laza, you know I don't want to but I have too," I told her. She sighed and looked down. I raised her chin with my natural hand. "Hey, it's gonna be okay," I told her.

"I hope so," she teared up.

I pulled her into a hug. Tears welled up in my eyes as well. I told myself I was never going to leave her again, and that's exactly what I'm doing.
Hey guys!! Sorry it's short! But this is the intro to the rest of the book. It's gonna be a short time left with this book. But the third book will be out right after I complete this one.

On Monday I'm going back to track and we'll see how it goes from there. I'll let you guys know if I'm quitting track or staying. If I quit there will be more updates a week. I don't know what I'll do but we'll find out together. Let's hope for the best!

Love you guys!!!!!<3<3<3

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