14| Telling Them

247 7 3

Laza's POV

We landed the ship back at the Rebel base. The entire way home everyone was dead silent. As they began to get off the ship, "Ahsoka!" I called.

The young torgruta turned stopped and waited for me to catch up to her. "Thanks for saving us," she nodded.

"Not a problem at all," I shrugged.

"Are you actually pregnant?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"YAY!" She squeaked.

"Keep it down, people are staring," I said.

"What? I'm happy for you!" She jumped.

"I should've known you'd be so happy," I said.

"Aren't you happy?" She asked.

"Of course I am! Just nervous," I replied.

"Well, with what happened last time I would worry too," she agreed.

"And I get pregnant at the perfect time," I said sarcastically.

"And who's fault is that?" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "oh my force, how do I deal with you."


I flopped onto the bed and shut my eyes. Peace and quiet. Then the elevator opened... I opened my eyes and saw Anakin.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said and sat on the bed.

I sat up and rested my head on his shoulder. "What's bothering you?" I asked him.

"The Sith know about the baby now," he sighed.

"So?" I said.

"Laza, I don't want a repeat of what happened last time," he said.

"But last time you didn't know, you weren't here, we were each less powerful, everything was different," I explained.

"What about when I'm not here? You won't be going everywhere with me now. I could be on an off world mission, they could come and..." his voice trailed off.

"You're here now, that's all that matters," I said grabbing his hand.

"We should go get dinner," he said ending our conversation.

"Yeah, let's go," I agreed. I followed him into the elevator. We got in the elevator and the doors shut.

Anakin draped his arm around me and I leaned onto to him. I wish he would let me go on missions to help him, but that's not gonna happen.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing," I said.

"Sure," he said sarcastically.

"I don't know how I'm gonna stay here and watch you leave and come back all the time. Risk letting you die, getting hurt. I wish I could go with you," I explained.

"I know, Laza. You have to stay here for your safety and the baby's safety," he said.

"You sound like my mother," I rolled my eyes.

"And you sound like a child," he said.

"Seriously, when did you become responsible?" I asked.

"When I needed to be," he said.

"Okay, you needed to become responsible when we were sixteen!" I argued.

"Not as much as I do now, it's different, I don't have Obi Wan around all the time, I don't just get to change the plan around anymore. We're gonna be parents soon and have to deal with an entire Empire," he said.

I just shrugged but knowing what to say. He's turning into Mace, no he's acting like Yoda...

"Speaking of your mother shouldn't we tell her?" He asked.

"Oh... yeah I forgot," I said.

"We've only know for a few hours, it's not like your twenty weeks along," he said.

"Eh, true," I agreed. "Are we telling her or am I telling her? Oh and my sister!" I pointed out.

"We," he mocked, "will tell them."


"Laza!" May said hugging me.

"Hey," I said. "Hi, mom," I gave my mother a hug. "We have to tell you both something."

"What is it?" My mom asked concerned.

"I'm pregnant," a smile grew on their faces.

"YAY!" May jumped, her and Ahsoka act to much alike.

"Congratulations," my mom smiled and hugged me.

"But the Sith know as well," Anakin pointed out.

"Yeah... so we just have to be careful. And I'm on 'maternity leave' from missions," I rolled my eyes.

"You better be! I'm not having you leave here pregnant," May said.

I just laughed at her. Anakin and I went to get dinner. "That was easier than I thought," he said.

"I knew they'd be happy," I shrugged.

"Well true," he said blankly.

"Hey," I stopped him, "I love you."

"I love you too," he replied and kissed me.

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