5| Inside the Rebellion

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Quick a/n
Hey guys!! I just wanted to let you know that this will start to be an alternate universe. I'll still use the Star Wars universe just the way I feel it goes along with the story. Enjoy!

Laza's POV

"I forgot how much I hated all this stuff," Anakin said.

"I know but it's our life again," I shrugged.

"Yeah, I wish it wasn't," he sighed.

My comlink began to beep, "we better get down there," I told him.

"Alright," he said and clipped his sabers to his belt.

We walked into the elevator down to the level we were supposed to meet Mon Mothma at. I began to sense more than Mothma in the room.

The elevator door opened and I saw many familiar faces. "They've arrived at last," Obi Wan said.

"Anakin! Laza!" I heard Ahsoka yell.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin and I said at the same time.

Running to us came the familiar face of Ahsoka Tano. She jumped up and hugged Anakin and I. I hugged back and then I greeted everyone I knew. I was so overwhelmed from all the smiling faces I was looking at.

"I hate to interrupt this but we have some things to discuss," Mon Mothma said.

"Yes, of course," I nodded we sat down at a large table.

Mon Mothma looked at Anakin and I, "you both are the first ever to kill more than one imperial guard and survive. When the word got out about Naboo the Empire went crazy. They have patrols everywhere just searching for the both of you. Anyone who gets in their way will be slaughtered and they're on the verge of finding us."

"Then why'd you ask us back? We've been hiding for two years, we could've ran off someplace," I told her.

"I know, but now is also the time for all of you to bring the real fight to them," she said.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Anakin sighed.

"Wait, question as to where the surviving clones are?" My voice trailed off.

No one answered. Anakin sat up in confusion and tilted my head. "Where are they?" Anakin asked.

No one answered, they weren't even looking at us. "WHERE?!" I slammed my hand on the table in annoyance.

"In the Empire... they got the four of them," Mon Mothma finally answered.

"We have to go help them," I said standing up.

"We can't, yet. We're trying to locate exactly where they are first, if we go to the wrong place we will be caught and slaughtered," Mon Mothma explained.

"Ugh," I groaned and began walking away.

"Laza, wait," Mace called to me.

"Get me when we can actually save someone instead of waiting for them to die," I stepped into the elevator.

"We aren't-" he was cut off be the elevator door closing.

I went up to my quarters and sat on the bed and put my face in my hands. I let out an audible exhale. I can't believe I'm just sitting here, I have to do something!

I stood up and grabbed my bow and arrows. I put my lightsaber on my belt. "You aren't leaving you know," I heard Ahsoka say.

"Why? I can't just let them die!" I said turning around.

"You don't know where they are or the Empire's security or anything about their prisons, and we're finding out so they would be better off if you waited and saved them know the Empire's every move," she pointed out.

"True," I sighed and put my weapons back.

"I see you haven't changed at all," she laughed at me.

"I guess not, I only want to help everyone," I said.

"Exactly, but you also act like Anakin, who tends to rush into everything which isn't the best idea," she said.

"I know," I rolled my eyes.

"Just breaths and you'll be okay," she said.

I took a deep breath, "nice outfit by the way," I said.

"Thanks, I was gonna need a new one sometime," she shrugged.

I laughed shaking my head. "I missed you kid," I told her.

"I missed you too, Laza. Anakin is down there taking to Obi Wan," she told me. I nodded, I hope the clones are okay for now.

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